
The Boy Who Climbed Out Of His Face!


The Boy Who Climbed Out Of His Face is the latest event from shunt. A former coaling jetty on the Thames is set to be transformed into a disorientating multi-sensory event opening in mid August with audience members required to go barefoot as they enter.

Every 10 minutes 30 people will disappear into a shipping container and are spat out 45 minutes later.

2014年終於盼來了尚特劇團(shunt)的最新作品《攀臉男孩(The Boy Who Climbed Out of His Face)》。舉辦場地設在格林威治泰晤士河邊的棧橋(The Jetty)上,該棧橋曾被用於裝儲煤炭,如今被打造成一個多感官體驗活動的場所。《攀臉男孩》不但是尚特劇團的新作,也是它在棧橋的首次亮相。演出期間,觀眾需要光腳穿梭於各個角落體驗一回邊走邊看的戲劇。每過10分鐘就會有30位觀眾同時消失在海運集裝箱內,45分鐘後才被遣送回來。“那個奇怪的人是誰?他的臉怎麼了?”帶著這些懸念,一場互動式的表演將會揭曉答案。


The event, opening on Thursday 14 August for a six week run, took the audience through an ‘industrial pavilion’ built from shipping containers where they experienced a peculiar and hectic world within a world within a world, with inspiration from the text from The Water Babies by Charles Kingsley and Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad.

This is the first outdoor production from shunt, whose work throughout the past decade includes The Architects, Money, Tropicana and the shunt Lounge.

《攀臉男孩》自8月14日起上演,共計上演時間六週。尚特劇團巧妙地把海運集裝箱改造成“工業館”,在現實世界內創造了這個虛擬空間。該劇的創作靈感來源於兩部著作:查爾斯·金斯利(Charles Kingsley)的《水孩子(The Water Babies)》及約瑟夫·康拉德(Joseph Conrad)的《黑暗之心(Heart of Darkness)》。

該劇是尚特劇團的第一部戶外作品,在過去十年間,其代表作品還包括有《建築師(The Architects)》、《金錢(Money)》、《純果樂(Tropicana)》、《尚特休息室(the shunt Lounge)》。

Tips 小貼士

展覽場地:The Jetty 棧橋


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