
Fall in Love Again: The Whitworth Reopens

The Whitworth  Art Gallery Manchester By David Levene 4th and 5th February 2015

The Whitworth Art Gallery Manchester By David Levene

The Whitworth, part of The University of Manchester, reopened its doors on 14 February 2015 following a £15 million redevelopment project by MUMA (McInnes Usher McKnight Architects), that transform the 125 year old Whitworth into a 21st century gallery in the park. The redevelopment, which has been supported by a major Heritage Lottery Fund grant, The University of Manchester and other funders, doubles public space and creates state-of-the-art new facilities including expanded gallery spaces, a study centre, learning studio, and a collections centre.

Leading with a major solo exhibition from one of Britain’s most acclaimed contemporary artists, Cornelia Parker, the opening programme celebrates the Whitworth’s eclectic and extensive collection of historical and contemporary fine art, textiles and wallpapers. Gallery displays include: A gallery papered with Sarah Lucas’ Tits in Space (2000) wallpaper, in which multiple pairs of cigarette-encrusted orbs float against a pitch black background. The wallpaper forms the backdrop to a selection of sculptures by CORNELIA PARKER. 'Cold Dark Matter, An Exploded View' 1991. Photographer Hugo Glendinningthe internationally renowned British artist. Johnnie Shand Kydd displays never-before-seen photographs of YBAs (Young British Artists) during the 1990s on the Greek Island of Hydra. Chinese artist Cai Guo-Qiang has created a large reflective water pool in the new Landscape Gallery for his gunpowder installation, Unmanned Nature (2008). An installation of Low Tide Wandering, by

leading German artist Thomas Schütte, whose daily etchings are suspended just above head height from taut wires encompassing the whole gallery.

Dr Maria Balshaw, Director of the Whitworth says: “We have long held the view that the gallery and the park should be a unified experience for our visitors. Our new building makes this a reality. The opening programme, led by Cornelia Parker’s remarkable exhibition, captures the spirit of the Whitworth – a place where marvellous, eclectic art works connect to people and our place in Manchester.”

Cai Guo-Qiang, Unmanned Nature, The Whitworth, Photographer Michael Pollard, 5

Cai Guo-Qiang, Unmanned Nature, The Whitworth, Photographer Michael Pollard, 5

隸屬曼切斯特大學的惠特沃斯美術館是隱逸在惠特沃斯公園內的一處全新勝地,於2015年情人節當天對公眾重新開放。由遺產彩票基金會(Heritage Lottery Fund),曼徹斯特大學及其他出資者共同耗資1500萬英鎊,由MUMA建築事務所策劃改建,把惠特沃斯美術館從一棟擁有125年曆史的古建築轉型成與園景渾然天成的當代美術館。改建後的公共空間不僅是過去的兩倍,新增的設施如擴充的展覽空間、全新的學習中心、研習室和藏品中心也均達到了最高標準。

The Whitworth  Art Gallery Manchester By David Levene 4th and 5th February 2015

The Whitworth Art Gallery Manchester By David Levene

開幕展覽不僅有久負盛名的英國當代藝術家科妮莉亞·帕克(Cornelia Parker)坐鎮,惠特沃斯美術館還呈現了更多館內珍品:歷史和當代美術作品、紡織品和壁紙等。其中一間展館鋪滿了英國藝術家莎拉·盧卡斯(Sarah Lucas)的壁紙作品《空間裡的奶頭(Tits in Space, 2000)》,多對由香煙裹成的球狀物均勻浮在漆黑的背景中,這與她的其他雕塑作品放置在一起顯得相得益彰;另外也有約翰尼·尚德·基德(Johnnie Shand Kydd)首次曝光的攝影系列作品--20世紀90年代在希臘島嶼伊德拉島(Hydra)上的年輕英國藝術家們(YBAs,Young British Artists);在新建的山水畫廊內中國藝術家蔡國強(Cai Guo-Qiang)利用一座反光大水池來映襯他的火藥繪畫作品《無人的自然(Unmanned Nature, 2008)》;德國藝術家托馬斯·舒特(Thomas Schütte)每日一練的系列銅版畫《低落徬徨(Low Tide Wandering)》也是一大亮點,百餘張畫作懸掛在頭部上方貫穿了整個展廳。

館長瑪麗亞·Balshaw博士(Dr Maria Balshaw)表示:“我們一直認為藝術館與公園相結合的遊覽經驗是我們應該帶給參觀者的。這項改建計劃令我們夢想得以實現,此次的開幕展覽將惠式的精神完美呈現:這是曼城的一處奇妙之所,是它把藝術與人民牽引在一起。”

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展覽場地:the Whitworth 惠特沃斯美術館


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