
 A Retrospective

Tate Modern is staging the most comprehensive exhibition ever devoted to foremost Pop artist Roy Lichtenstein. Co-organised by The Art Institute of Chicago and Tate Modern, this is the first major Lichtenstein retrospective for twenty years, bringing together over 125 of the artist’s most definitive paintings and sculptures. Built on new research and scholarship, the exhibition reassesses Lichtenstein’s work and his enduring legacy.

英國倫敦泰特現代美術館正在展出有史以來最全面的一次對重要的 波普藝術家羅伊·里奇特斯坦(Roy Lichtenstein)的回顧展。此次展 覽由美國芝加哥藝術研究院和泰特美術館共同舉辦,是第一個關於 里奇特斯坦20年來藝術創作歷程的大型回顧展覽,展覽彙集了125 件藝術家最具代表意義的作品,通過新的研究和學術成果,展覽重 新審視了里奇特斯坦的作品和他留給我們的不朽遺產。

 D.OH, JEFF... I LOVE YOU, TOO... BUT... ROY LICHTENSTEIN, 1964, Collection Simonyi, Estate of Roy Lichtenstein:DACS 2012     D.MASTERPIECE ROY LICHTENSTEIN, 1962, Private Collection, Estate of Roy Lichtenstein:DACS 2012

Roy Lichtenstein (1923–1997) is one of the central figures of American Pop Art. In the early 1960s he pioneered a new style of painting, executed by hand but inspired by industrial printing processes. He became renowned for works based on comic strips and advertising imagery, coloured with his signature hand-painted Benday dots, as an ongoing examination of representation and originality in mass media culture. This exhibition showcases such key paintings as Look Mickey 1961 (National Gallery of Art, Washington), Whaam! 1963 (Tate) and Drowning Girl 1963 (Museum of Modern Art, New York).
The artist’s rich and expansive practice is represented by a wide range of materials, including paintings using steel, as well as sculptures in ceramic and brass and a selection of previously unseen drawings, collages and works on paper.

羅伊·里奇特斯坦(1923-1997)是美國波普藝術運動的核心人物之 一 。在 上 世 紀 6 0 年 代 初 ,他 開 創 了 一 種 新 的 繪 畫 風 格 ,手 繪 類 似 於 工業印刷工藝的繪畫。他因為那些基於廣告和連環畫圖像而創作的 作品而知名,他那手繪的色點成為了其風格和符號,同時也在大眾 媒體文化下成為了持續對代表性和原創性進行審視的象徵。展覽展 示了很多藝術家的重要畫作,比如由華盛頓國家藝術館收藏的《看 米奇(Look Mickey 1961)》;由英國泰特美術館收藏的《Whaam! (1963)》和紐約現代藝術博物館收藏的《溺水的女孩(Drowning Girl 1963)》。藝術家通過採用廣泛的材料來豐富和拓展他的藝術實踐,包括使用鋼 條、陶瓷和黃銅製作的雕塑,紙上拼貼等。

Alongside the classic paintings of romantic heroines and scenes of war
for which Lichtenstein is well known, this exhibition shows other early
Pop works, such as images of everyday objects in black and white. Also on display are Lichtenstein’s artistic explorations depicting landscapes, mirrors and so-called ‘perfect’ and ‘imperfect’ paintings, as well as works which highlight Lichtenstein’s engagement with art history, revealing his lesser- known responses to Futurism, Surrealism and German Expressionism. In the final years of his life, the artist went on to create a series of huge female nudes and sublime Chinese landscapes, neither of which have previously been shown within the wider context of his oeuvre.

除了里奇特斯坦經典的浪漫的女主角和戰爭場景的經典畫作外,這個展覽還展示了其 他的早期的流行音樂作品,比如黑白的日常物品的圖像,另外還展出了他的素描作品, 比如風景、鏡子、還有所謂的“完美”和“不完美”的繪畫,同時也展出了他與藝術史發展 所相關的鮮為人知的作品,比如他對未來主義、超現實主義和德國表現主義等思潮的 反應。在他生命的最後時光里,他開始創作巨幅的女性裸體和中國山水繪畫,這些都是 首次展現在大眾面前。

D.WHAAM! ROY LICHTENSTEIN, 1963, Tate, Estate of Roy Lichtenstein:DACS 2012


展覽場地:  Tate Modern 泰特現代美術館

展覽時間:  21.2.2013–27.5.2013



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