
The Magic Flute

The Magic Flute 2 © De Nederlandse Opera, Matthias Baus


Simon McBurney’s new production of The Magic Flute
is a darkly funny, dramatic and highly visual interpretation of Mozart’s theatrical genius. In McBurney’s interpretation, music casts a visible as well as audible spell, with the orchestra on view alongside breathtaking cinematographic projections, re-imagining Mozart’s rites of passage fairytale. Building on ENO’s co-producing relationship with De Nederlandse Opera, The Magic Flute opened in December 2012 to great critical acclaim in Amsterdam. McBurney’s production received five-star reviews from the Dutch
press: “a feast for the eyes and the ears” (Het Parool) and “Delicious!” (Trouw).

The Magic Flute continues the relationship between English National Opera and theatre company Complicite, who are celebrating their thirtieth anniversary this year. McBurney returns to ENO following his operatic debut and critical-success of A Dog’s Heart in 2010 (nominated for
a 2010 Olivier Award for Best New Opera Production). The collaboration highlights ENO’s commitment to producing opera that is fresh and relevant for contemporary audiences by working with talent from across the creative industries.


莫紮特的經典歌劇《魔笛》可謂歷史上最偉大和受歡迎的歌劇 作品之一,此次在英國國家歌劇院上映的這一版本因為同謀劇團 (Complicite)的參與讓人倍感興奮。導演賽門·麥克伯尼(Simon McBurney)對於原作創作的背景、靈感等做了深入地調研,這些都為 這一次的版本創新提供了多層次的可能性。無論是勒考克影響下的獨 特肢體語言,還是豐富的多媒體視覺呈現;人們期待著戴著這部經典 之作的翅膀去刷新原有的印象。這部與荷蘭歌劇院(De Nederlandse Opera)合作的作品,2012年年底在阿姆斯特丹亮相時便受到觀眾 和劇評人的一致好評。此版創作團隊中的視頻設計師芬·羅斯(Finn Ross)是英國目前最炙手可熱的多媒體藝術家之一,他的加入必將讓 整個作品更加值得期待。



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