
Masterpiece Tour



In January 2012, a much-­loved work from the National Gallery Collection -­Manet’s ‘The Execution of Maximilian’ -­ is going on the road and travelling the UK as the first painting in the three-­year Masterpiece Tour. The three host venues for 2014 are the Beaney House of Art & Knowledge, Canterbury Museums and Galleries; The Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle; and Mead Gallery, University of Warwick. The Masterpiece Tour is part of the National Gallery’s commitment to promote the understanding, knowledge and appreciation of Old Master paintings to as wide an audience as possible.

The second stop on the tour is The Bowes Museum. Opened in 1892, the purpose-­built museum, which has recently undergone a £12 million transformation, houses an amazing collection of European fine and decorative arts. ‘The Execution of Maximilian’ will be displayed alongside Jules de Vignon’s portrait of ‘The Emperor Napoleon III’ (1867, after Franz Xaver Winterhalter); ‘The Emperor Napoleon III Reviewing Troops on the Champs Elysées, Paris’ (about 1852–70) by H.J.C; a strip of furnishing brocade with the devices of Napoleon III; and clothes that belonged to the Empress Eugenie, consort of Napoleon III. Together with contemporary magazines and journals, these works will introduce visitors to the Second Empire and the political developments that preceded Maximilian’s execution.


2012年一月,由英國國家畫廊收藏的深受人們喜愛的馬奈(Manet)經典畫作《馬克西米利安的行刑(The Execution of Maximilian)》開始在全英巡展。作為第一件參加“大師作品之旅”項目的藝術品,這件作品於2014年在坎特伯雷博物館畫廊,巴納德城堡堡斯博物館及華威大學米德畫廊進行巡展。“大師作品之旅”是英國國家畫廊為了讓儘可能多的觀眾來欣賞和了解古典大師繪畫而推出的藝術項目。

今年巡展的第二站是在堡斯博物館(The Bowes Museum),這座建於1892年的博物館剛剛完成了耗費1200萬英鎊的整修,在這裡彙集和收藏了大量的歐洲藝術精品。《馬克西米利安的行刑》將與儒勒·德儂(Jules de Vignon)的肖像畫《皇帝拿破崙三世(The Emperor Napoleon III)》等其他與拿破崙相關的展品一同展出。為了讓觀眾更好的理解《馬克西米利安的行刑》這幅畫作背後的政治背景和時代特徵,展覽還展出了各種文獻來對當時第二帝國的情況加以說明。


Tips 小貼士

展覽場地:The Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle 巴納德城堡堡斯博物館
展覽時間:22.3.2014 – 18.5.2014


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