
Wellcome Trust


A: So the Wellcome Collection is just only part of the artistic engagement?

C: Yes, besides the Wellcome Collection, we run programmes across the UK and internationally which involve the arts. For example, our recent program ‘Wonder’ is collaboration between Wellcome Trust and the Barbican Center. The program is about the art and science of brain, and is a series of activities and events about the brain. It is an example of a public engagement program that gets artists and scientists to explore the same subject area.


C:是的,除了威康收藏館,我們在全英國甚至全球都有藝術實踐項目。譬如最近和巴比肯藝 術 中 心( b a r b i c a n )合 作 的《 W o n d e r( 奇 蹟 )》 項目,通過一系列的活動從藝術和科學的角度 來探討人腦。這是公眾參與項目中結合藝術家 和科學家來探討同一個話題的最好範本。


A: Wellcome Trust is mainly about biomedical science, what are the artistic practices then?

C: We support projects where the artistic work is related to medicine and biomedical research, either by giving grants directly to artists or arts organizations who commission artists to make work. We support all art forms whether it is performance, theatre, film, visual arts or music, but the subject area has to engage people with the wider societal and cultural issues around biomedical science.


C:如果藝術家作品涉及醫藥及醫學研究,我們 的資助計劃會直接資助藝術家或者藝術機構來 進行藝術委託項目。我們支持各種藝術類型, 表演藝術、戲劇、電影、視覺藝術和音樂等等, 但主題必須圍繞讓公眾參與到醫學範圍內的社 會及文化討論。


A: So the aim of these artistic practices is to promote biomedical science?

C: I wouldn’t call it promoting. It’s about encouraging debate and dialogue about science. It’s about getting people to talk about, discuss, and think about ideas around science and how it affects our lives. Artists are particularly good at this as the nature of artistic practice is about ambiguity rather than explanation. It’s not about communicating the science, it is about exploring its impact on us, what it means for us as individuals, and for us as society. The other aim of the program is to support collaborations between artists and scientists. We are interested in what the fields of arts and science can bring to each other, how their different languages and ways of looking can influence each other, and how these collaborations might bring new knowledge to both fields.


C:我不會稱之為宣傳手段。我們只是鼓勵更多科學對話與討論,讓公眾參與討論,思考科學如何影響我們的生活。藝術家非常擅長讓公眾 參與某事件,因為藝術實踐的本質就是這樣一 種開放的結果而不是強加解釋什麼。不是為了學習科學,而是探討科學對我們個體及社會發生的影響。

資助項目的另一個目的是鼓勵藝術家與科學 家的合作。我們認為藝術與科學的合作非常有 趣,它們兩種不同的語言和看待事物的方式可 以互相影響對方,而這兩者的合作也有可能為 對方開闢新的知識領域。


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