

The Politics In Art: Untangling The Cultural Exchange

In 2008 Beijing hosted the Olympics and Paralympics, four years later it was London’s turn. To celebrate each country hosted two festivals. In 2008 the UK played host to China Now, which showcased cultural and sporting events from the country. The events included China Design Now, an exhibition that took place at the V&A. The show explored new design in China, focusing on the effect that rapid economic development had on architecture and design in three major Chinese cities: Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. The exhibition focused on a wide range of design from architecture, including the ‘Bird’s Nest’ stadium, to fashion. In 2012 the festival UK Now took place in China and included exhibitions of work by Tony Cragg and Rankin as well as tours from the English National Ballet. The two festivals enabled creative discussions across the two countries and different institutions as well as displaying the quality of each country’s contemporary art scene.

07 Stop. Sh! Be Quiet

Weiwei, 旅居法國20年的跨界設計師,專欄作家,遊歷40余國。目前在巴黎杭州上海穿梭。對她來說,巴黎是家,水走塞納,角角落落,愛人孩子。江南有念,湖近湖遠,布帛錦緞,  看秀作秀。 這次恰逢她回國,和朋友帶上瓶紅酒,  倚在她家沙發里嘮嘮嗑便是一下午。這個女人性情豪放,瀟瀟灑灑走天涯,到哪都是社交女王。起初,從她口中述說她引以為豪的設計——中國元素,我腦海中浮現的保守派畫面實在無法與眼前這位野性女子掛鉤起來。 再聽說她即將在上海舉辦一場秀,她對我說這是場無規劃的服裝秀,是女朋友之間的私房話。雖然極想親臨現場一睹風采,但是時間點正好對上了重返倫敦的行程,所以我只好在朋友圈關注這場秀的即時動向。 秀只舉辦兩天:24/05 for ladies, 25/05 for gentlemen。當天,Weiwei邀上她的女性友人們一起揭開女性試衣間的“秘密”。期間還有著名大提琴演奏家宋昭與滬上自由吉他手汪文偉的即興伴奏,另外還可以在會場欣賞到藝術家陳九先生的作品,是當代水墨形式就此次“水性揚花”主題的新演繹。 “不要忘記,羞怯原是抵擋不潔目光的盾牌。若無邪狎,那羞怯除了是精神上的束縛和污垢還能是什麼?也不要忘記,大地樂於感受體赤裸的雙腳,風兒渴望與你的頭髮嬉戲。(Weiwei)”


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