
The Heads

The Heads 《腦袋腦袋》

Text by: Joanna Dong   撰文:董一燃  Translated by: Elaine Yu   翻譯:余寧     Blind Summit was founded in 1997 in an attempt to overturn and reinvent Japanese Bunraku Puppetry. People have always visited their productions with great expectation and the plays have often caused surprise. Blind Summit does not repeat itself merely to please audiences, it

Little Angel Theatre 小天使剧院

Interview with Slavka Jovanović, Interim Director, Little Angel Theatre 专访小天使剧院临时主任 斯拉夫卡约万诺维奇 The Little Angel Theatre’s modest appearance, tucked away from the London bustle in an old one hundred seater Islington hall, does little to betray its status as the UK’s premier theatrical puppetry company. It is widely seen as being the ‘Home of British Puppetry’,

40th Anniversary of Puppet Centre

Interviewed by: Harry Liu  採訪:劉競晨 Text and edited by: Ava Davies  採訪整理:Ava Davies Translated by: Michelle Yu  翻譯:余小悅 註釋:本文中所提及的木偶並非只是木質偶,只是出於習慣統一使用“木偶”相稱。   Interview with the Co-founder of Puppet Centre, Penny Francis 專訪木偶中心聯合創始人潘妮·弗朗西斯 “If we don’t know the answer to your question, we know someone who does.” As a national development agency for puppetry, Puppet Centre focuses on

Not only a Puppet 無獨有“偶”

    From the moment of its animation, puppet becomes one with its master. Be it small, colossal, realistic or abstract, behind the puppet lies the inexplicable inspiration of the artist. Puppetry may be one of the oldest form of theatrical performance, related closely to religious rituals. Because of its profound history, puppetry is fascinating


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