

Souk, Derivatives, Simulation: The World Created in Art

  Text and Images by 撰文 x U. Kanad Chakrabarti 尤.卡納德·查克拉巴蒂 Translated by 翻譯 x Jay, Chun-Chieh Lai 賴駿杰 Michelle Yu 余小悅   My studio is a place of clashes: imperfection and chaos in close proximity to the comparatively ethereal praxis that is digital video-editing.  The resistance of physical materials gives rise to surprises, accidents,

Magnificent Obsessions: The Artist as Collector

Magnificent Obsessions: The Artist as Collector is the first major exhibition in the UK to present the fascinating personal collections of post-war and contemporary artists, including Arman, Peter Blake, Hanne Darboven, Edmund de Waal, Damien Hirst, Howard Hodgkin, Dr Lakra, Sol LeWitt, Martin Parr, Jim Shaw, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Andy Warhol, Pae White and Martin Wong/Danh Vo. Their collections range from mass-produced memorabilia and popular collectibles to one-of-a-kind curiosities, rare artefacts, and natural history specimens. Curated by Lydia Yee, the exhibition presents a selection of objects from the collections of the artists alongside at least one key example of their work to provide insight into their inspirations, influences, motives, and obsessions.

Five minutes with Song Dong

Written by: Lin Shangtong 撰文:林上童 Translated by Trish Lyons 翻譯:崔西里昂 Photographed by: Harry Liu 圖片:劉競晨   Lin Shangtong (LS): Do you like London? Song Dong (SD): Yes, maybe because this is my first overseas city.   LS: Among your artworks, is Waste Not important to you? SD: Yes. There are two others, Writing Diary with


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