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20th Anniversary of Zabludowicz Collection: Interview with Elizabeth Neilson

Edited by 編輯 x Ke Qiwen 柯淇雯 Translated by 翻譯 x Cai Sudong 蔡蘇東 The Zabludowicz Collection, founded in 1994 by Poju and Anita Zabludowicz, is dedicated to fostering new audiences and a sustainable environment for contemporary art. The Collection contains over 3,000 works of art by more than 500 artists, spanning four decades …
From Foundation to Future Artists

An Introduction to Foundation courses in British Art Education 一個關於英國藝術教育基礎課程的簡要介紹 “All of this proceeds from a point where Marx reminds us that the ultimate foundation remains living experience, living production…” (Jacques Derrida and Bernard Stiegler, Spectrographies) Text by: Yiou Peng 撰文:彭憶歐 The research department at Tate Modern has dedicated five years to the on-going project ‘Art School Educated’, focusing on the curriculum, …