Matilda 瑪蒂爾達
Matilda is a musical adaptation of a fiction of the same name by British children’s author Roald Dahl published in 1988. As far as Roald Dahl’s works are concerned, they are very familiar to us, such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Fantastic Mr. Fox, etc. 瑪蒂爾達(Matilda)》是一部根據英國兒童作家羅爾德•達爾(Roald Dahl)於1988年出版的同名小說而改編的音樂劇。說起羅爾德•達爾的幾 部作品,大家肯定會非常熟悉,例如《查理的巧克力工廠(Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) 》 ,《 了 不 起 …