Matilda is a musical adaptation of a fiction of the same name by British children’s author Roald Dahl published in 1988. As far as Roald Dahl’s works are concerned, they are very familiar to us, such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Fantastic Mr. Fox, etc.
瑪蒂爾達(Matilda)》是一部根據英國兒童作家羅爾德•達爾(Roald Dahl)於1988年出版的同名小說而改編的音樂劇。說起羅爾德•達爾的幾 部作品,大家肯定會非常熟悉,例如《查理的巧克力工廠(Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) 》 ,《 了 不 起 的 狐 狸 爸 爸 (Fantastic Mr. Fox) 》 等 等 。
Matilda is produced by the Royal Shakespeare Company and directed by Matthew Warchus, with original songs from Tim Minchin and adapted by Dennis Kelly. At the end of 2011, this production was successfully staged in Cambridge Theatre in West End London. It swept all the major theater awards in the UK, including seven Olivier Awards in 2012. It was even hailed as the most successful musical in the contemporary history of the UK. In the spring of 2013, it will be on tour at Broadway in New York.
本劇由皇家莎士比亞劇團(Royal Shakespeare Company)製作,馬修•沃奇思(Matthew Warchus)執導,丹 尼斯•凱利(Dennis Kelly)改編,蒂姆•明欽(Tim Minchin)擔任音樂創作。2011年年底,《瑪蒂爾達》被成功 地搬上了西區劍橋劇院(Cambridge Theatre)的舞台。該作品橫掃英國各大戲劇獎項,包括2012年奧利弗 (Olivier Awards)多項大獎,甚至被譽為英國現代史上最成功的音樂劇作品。2013年春天,該作品更將遠 赴紐約百老匯巡演。
The child performers of this production are worth mentioning. There are a total of 3 groups of children, and each group is made up of eight children to play eight roles of in this production. Due to the mobility of child performers, when the play is on stage, new child performers are still recruited and trained. In British theater industry, audience development is very important. Thus, as contemporary theaters thrive, theaters of various types at all levels also undertake the task of theater education and training, and even direct practice. On the one hand, the theaters themselves can attract audiences or future audiences; on the other hand, the role of getting more audience involved in terms of improving national quality of a country can not be underestimated. Those who have seen performances by children or junior performers may deeply admire for their talent and great effort. What’s more, those people contribute to bring the kids on stages and even the mainstream commercial stages are as much impressive.
值得一說的是本劇的小演員們。共有3組,每組8個小演員來飾演該劇的8位兒童角色。由於兒童演員的流動 性很大,上映同時,該劇還在做新演員的海選和培訓。英國戲劇行業非常重視觀眾的培養,在關注當下劇場 繁榮發展的同時,戲劇教育和培訓,甚至是直接的實踐都由各級別各類型的劇場來擔當。一方面既為劇場本 身培養觀眾或者是未來的觀眾,而另一方面,廣泛的參與對於提高一個國家的國民素質起著不可低估的作 用。看過英國兒童演員或者青少年演出的朋友們可能都會深深地讚歎這些孩子們的天賦和努力,同時也一 定會佩服能夠把孩子們成功帶上舞台—甚至是主流商業舞台—的戲劇工作者。
TIPS 小贴士
演出场地:Cambridge Theatre 劍橋劇院