Artist Studio Operators

In London there are a variety of companies and organizations providing artists studio spaces, many of them are non-profit organizations, some are funded by artists, and others receive supports from charities or foundations. Here are some well-known ones for reference. 在倫敦有很多專門為藝術家和藝術機構提供工作室空間的公司和機構,他們大多是非營利性的民間機構,有的是由藝術家出資籌建的,也有的是基於各種慈善性質的基金會支持,我們為大家選取了一些比較有特色的公司和組織,希望能對有興趣和需要的同仁有所助益。 SPACE / 空間 Space is a leading visual arts organization providing creative workspace, advocacy, support …