
redefining photography

Andreas Gursky: Redefining Photography

2018年1月25日,德國著名當代攝影藝術家安德烈斯•古爾斯基的首次英國大型回顧展在倫敦海沃德畫廊舉辦,此次展出了他藝術生涯近40年來的60幅作品,也包括其以430萬美元創下過最貴攝影作品拍賣紀錄的《Rhein II 》,倫敦海沃德畫廊主策展人——2019年威尼斯雙年展主策展人拉爾夫·魯格夫親自為你講解這位藝術家和他的藝術是如何重新定義了攝影在藝術史當中的地位。 On January 25, 2018, the famous German contemporary photography artist Andres Gursky’s first large-scale retrospective exhibition in the UK was held at Hayward Gallery in London. It exhibited 60 works of his artistic career in the last 40 years, also includes “Rhein II”, which had set a record auction price of the ...


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