The Royal Academy of Arts presents the first major exhibition in the UK to showcase David Hockney’s landscape work. Vivid paintings inspired by the Yorkshire countryside, many exhibited here for the first time, are shown alongside related drawings and digital video. Over 150 works are on display, the majority of which have been created in the last eight years. The exhibition also includes a selection of works dating as far back as 1956, which places the recent work in the context of Hockney’s extended exploration of and fascination with landscape. The exhibition takes the visitor on a journey through Hockney’s view of the world.
英國最具影響力的藝術大師大衛 · 霍克尼(David Hockney)在英國首次大型展覽在皇家藝術學院(Royal Academy of Arts)開幕,展覽展出了他一系列風景繪畫作品。展出的很多作品都是第一次與觀眾見面,包括以約克郡鄉村美景為靈感來源的、栩栩如生的油畫作品和其他一些數碼影像作品。此次展覽展出了超過150件作品,其中大部分作品都是霍克尼在過去八年里創作的,另外展覽也選取了他在上個世紀50年代的一些風景油畫作品,通過新舊作品的對比,展覽為觀眾勾勒出霍克尼是如何痴迷於風景繪畫的拓展和探索。
The exhibition addresses the various approaches that Hockney has taken towards the depiction of landscape throughout his career, at same time The exhibition reveals the artist’s emotional engagement with the landscape he knew in his youth, as, in a series of galleries each dedicated to a particular motif, he examines daily variations in light and weather conditions and the cycles of growth and de cay as the seasons change. Since undertaking this exhibition in 200 7, Hockney’s intense observation of his surroundings has become manifested in a variety of media. Highlights include three groups of new work made specifically for this exhibition.