
Deloitte Ignite 2014

Contemporary arts festival Deloitte Ignite 2014 is based on the theme of myth and this year is curated by The Royal Ballet and The National Gallery’s Dr Minna Moore Ede. The month-long festival at The Royal Opera House celebrated and explored the origin of myth and creation in the western world through dance, visual art, film, music and movement, focused on Prometheus, the Titan who created man from clay and stole fire from the Gods, and Leda and the Swan, the mysterious conjunction of a mortal woman and the god Zeus, disguised as a swan.

Sampling the Myth is a programme of performance and film exploring the modern retelling of myths through art collaborations, including a special commission for Turner Prize-winner Chris Ofili with Royal Ballet dancers and choreography from rising star of the British dance scene Aakash Odedra. The performances also include the world premieres of three commissioned short dance films that explore the origins and retelling of Leda and the Swan.

Unearthed, Sampling the Myth, 04/09/14, Copyright 2014[/15] ROH. Photographed by Alice Pennefather

Unearthed, Sampling the Myth, 04/09/14, Copyright 2014[/15] ROH. Photographed by Alice Pennefather

2014年的德勤“激燃”藝術節(Deloitte Ignite)是一個以神話為主題的當代藝術盛典。在英國皇家芭蕾舞團和来自國家美術館的明娜·摩爾·伊德博士(Dr Minna Moore Ede)共同策劃下,通過舞蹈、視覺藝術、電影、音樂和韻律等多種表現形式,探討了西方世界下神話和創造的起源。其中《普羅米修斯(Prometheus)》和《麗達與天鵝(Leda and the Swan)》是本次藝術節重點關注的兩大神話故事:一位是捏泥造人、從諸神手中盜取火源的悲劇英雄;而另一位則是偽裝成天鵝的天神宙斯。

《神話樣本(Sampling the Myth)》是表演與電影相結合的項目,除了特納獎得主克里斯·奧菲利(Chris Ofili)與英國皇家芭蕾舞團的藝術合作,還有英國舞壇新秀(Aakash Odedra)的編舞。另外有三部主題舞蹈短片也探討了關於神話《麗達與天鵝》的起源和當下的復述。

The festival broke out into the Covent Garden piazza with an interactive street performance from choreographer Luca Silvestrini and his company Protein. Acclaimed street artist Phlegm decorated the Royal Opera House with large-scale illustrations of mythical creatures.

Continuing the visual art element of the festival on the theme of fire, a work was on view at the Royal Opera House by video artist Bill Viola titled Fire Martyr(2014). The front of house areas displayed photographic work by contemporary artists Tom Hunter and Mat Collishaw, together with a unique site-specific sound installation by sound recordist Chris Watson.

In her curatorial role at The National Gallery specializing in Renaissance paintings, Minna Moore Ede brought giant replicas of works by Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo to the Royal Opera House. Against this back-drop there were performances of Royal Ballet Artist Calvin Richardson’s version of the famous Dying Swan solo.

當然,能一飽眼福的活動遠不止于此:觀眾不僅可以在考文特花園廣場上參與街頭互動表演,還能在英國皇家歌劇院欣賞巨幅神獸裝飾畫、以火為主題的視覺藝術作品《消防烈士(Fire Martyr, 2014)》。此外,還有當代藝術家湯姆·亨特(Tom Hunter)和馬特·科里肖(Mat Collishaw)的攝影作品、克里斯·沃森(Chris Watson)製作的獨一無二的場地定製聲音裝置作品也一併帶給觀眾。

作為國家美術館策展人,伊德博士為2014年的德勤“激燃”藝術節帶來了文藝復興時期的繪畫——達芬奇和米開朗基羅的巨型復制作品,而來自英國皇家芭蕾舞團的藝術家卡爾文·理查森(Calvin Richardson)也帶來了獨舞《垂死天鵝(Dying Swan)》。

Tips 小貼士

展覽場地:Royal Opera House 皇家歌劇院


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