

1.Dr. Ruru Li, Senior Lecturer in Chinese Studies at the University of Leeds. She has written extensively on Shakespeare performance in China (including a monograph Shashibiya: Staging Shakespeare in China 2003) and on Chinese theatre (modern/traditional). Her recent books include The Soul of Beijing Opera: Theatrical Creativity and Continuity in the Changing World, and Translucent Jade: Ruru Li on Stage and in Life. The latter is a pictorial biography of her Beijing Opera performer mother and has been adapted into a 2-series TV documentary film. She is the curator of the successful exhibition Cao Yu: Pioneer of Modern Chinese Drama, which has been touring in the UK, North America and in China. Having received some basic training of Beijing Opera as a child, Li runs workshops and regards regular contact with the theatre as essential to her academic work. She is also the originator of the research network Performing China on the Global Stage.

1.李如茹:英國利茲大學現代語言文化學院高級講師, 博士生導師。撰寫了多部有關中國的莎士比亞演出以及 中國劇場(傳統/當代)的專著,其中包括:《Shashibiya: Staging Shakespeare in China 2003(在中國上演莎士 比亞)》;她近期的著作:《The Soul of Beijing Opera: Creativity and Continuity in the Changing World(京 劇 魂 : 時 代 變 遷 中 的 戲 劇 傳 承 與 創 造 )》;《 晶 瑩 透 亮 的 玉——李玉茹舞臺上下/家庭內外》;《李玉茹演出劇本 選集》等。她成功策展了“曹禺:中國現代話劇的先鋒”, 並 巡展英國、北美、中國。童年時曾接受京劇基礎訓練的她 常帶領工作坊,並接觸劇場實踐,這對於其學術研究起到 非常關鍵的作用。她也是互聯網“寰球舞臺演出中國”表演 藝術研究的創始人。


2.Dr David Jiang, former Dean of the School of Drama at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts 2001-09; Honorary/Visiting Professor of Hong Kong University, Shanghai Theatre Academy and Central Academy of Drama in Beijing) is currently the visiting research fellow of the School of Performance and Cultural Industries
at Leeds. He has worked with various professional theatres and taught in drama departments in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, New York and in Leeds. Works includes:, Mozart’s Death, The Wilderness (English), Truth, Wuling (English), Macbeth, Much Ado about Nothing, Chen Yun, The Sun is Not for Us, Tale of the White Snake Madam, etc.

2.蔣維國:著名戲劇導演,曾任香港演藝學院戲劇學院院 長(2001-2009),香港大學、上海戲劇學院、中國中央戲劇 學院名譽、客座教授。現任英國利茲大學研究學者。他曾 在許多專業劇院工作,並在中國大陸,香港,臺灣,紐約及 利茲從事戲劇教育。其導演作品包括話劇《共和國掌櫃》、《大川之靈》、《莫扎特之死》、《真理》、《X小姐》、《家》、《雷 雨》、《柔蜜歐與幽麗葉》;英語戲劇《》、《女人 最後的一天》、《原野》、《武陵人》、《馬克白》、《桃花扇》、《 太陽不是我們》、戲曲與音樂戲劇:黃梅戲《無事生非》、越 劇《九斤姑娘》、《福春嫁女》、《白娘子》等。


3.Shu-wing Tang,the Artistic Director at Tang Shu Wing Studio Theatre Company, past Dean of School of Drama at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Education, MA of Unversite de Sorbonne Nouvelle. Tang’s major awards include Distinguished Interpretative Performance, 1993 Tashkent International Theatre Festival; 1993 Excellent Alternative Performance of the Hong Kong Drama Awards; Best Actor in a Leading Role in the 2003 Hong Kong Drama Awards; Best Director in the 2006, 2007 and 2011 Hong Kong Drama Awards. In 2007, he was awarded Certificate of Commendation by the Secretary for Home Affairs of the Hong Kong Government; l’Officier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French Government. In 2008, he was awarded Award for Arts Achievement (Drama) by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. In 2010, he was awarded The Next Big Thing Cultural Award by the Muse magazine and Princess Chang Ping (dance version) was awarded Outstanding Production of the 2010 Hong Kong Dance Awards.

3.鄧樹榮: 鄧樹榮戲劇工作室藝術總監。曾任香港演藝學 院戲劇學院院長(2009-2011)。留學法國,於巴黎新索邦 大學獲戲劇碩士。曾獲1993年塔什幹國際戲劇節優異演 譯獎,1993香港舞臺劇獎優異另類演出獎;1997年亞洲文 化協會謝普誠獎助金;2003年香港舞臺劇獎最佳男主角 獎;2006、2007及2011香港舞臺劇獎最佳導演獎;2007年 獲香港特別行政區民政事務局局長嘉許獎狀及法國文化 部頒發「藝術及文學軍官勳章」(L’Officierdel’Ordredes Arts et des Lettres);2008年獲香港藝術發展局頒發藝術 成就獎(戲劇);2010年獲瞄雜誌盼發”大件事”文化獎,其 執導的《帝女花》(舞劇) 獲2010香港舞蹈年獎。


4.Shihui Weng, associate Producer of National Theatre of Scotland.


5.Davey Anderson, works in theatre as a writer, director, dramaturg, composer, musical director and workshop facilitator. He was Director in Residence with the National Theatre of Scotland 2006-07 and Associate Playwright with the Playwrights’ Studio Scotland 2010-11.

5.大衛•安德森: 作家、導演,編劇、作曲家、音樂劇導演。現 任蘇格蘭國家劇院導演,蘇格蘭編劇工作室聯合編劇。

6.Chong Wang, an avant-garde theatre director and award-winning translator.
He has studied theatre in China and the U.S., working with renowned directors
Lin Zhaohua and Robert Wilson. In 2008, Wang Chong founded Théatre du Rêve Expérimental, a Beijing-based performance group. It soon became one of the most active touring companies in China. His works have been performed in China, Hong Kong, Japan, U.S., Canada, U.K., and France.

6.王翀: 新浪潮戲劇發起人,北京大學法學士、夏威夷大學 戲劇碩士,曾在加州大學和紐約水磨坊中心學習戲劇。王翀 翻譯並導演了多部後現代戲劇,他的作品曾在中國大陸、香 港、日本、美國、加拿大、英國和法國巡演,引起媒體和學術 界的關注。王翀在2008年創立了薪傳實驗劇團,成員均為80 後戲劇人,劇團迅速成為中國最活躍的青年藝術團體之一。

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