Since 2012, we have been presenting annual theatre-centred editions every year. Theatre in Britain is a highly industrialised artistic conglomeration, and has far-reaching impacts on British society and art. It carries on the humanistic traditions and values of the country, and extends and shapes reflection and understanding of the current society.
In any form of art, if it wishes to maintain its thriving vitality, it is necessary to cultivate its audience and evolve into what echoes with the times—British theatres’ exploration and practice, in this regard, is too fruitful to neglect. They infuse the most creative ideas into productions for the young, arousing in them interests in art and passion for life. In this issue, we focus on British theatre for the young, examining how theatres, creative practices, marketing, humanistic education and audience cultivation are organically interwoven.
從2012年開始,每年我們都會為讀者帶來一期圍繞戲劇展開的專題內容。在英國,戲劇是一個高度產業 化的藝術集合體,其對整個英國社會和藝術的發展都產生了深刻的影響,一方面戲劇傳承著這裡的人文 傳統和價值觀,另一方面,戲劇也不斷拓展著和建構著人們對當下社會的思考和認知。
對於一種藝術形式,如果希望其一直保持旺盛的生命力,那麼對於受眾群體的培養,以及相應地演進出 更為符合時代風格的表現形式都是極其必要的,而英國戲劇在這些方面所作出的探索和實踐是非常引 人矚目的,他們將天馬行空的創意用戲劇的形式展示給年輕的觀眾,喚起他們對藝術的興趣和生活的熱 愛。這一期我們將聚焦英國青少年劇場,看一看他們是如何將“劇場”與創意實踐、市場運作、人文教育 以及觀眾培育有機結合到一起的。