The Catlin Art Prize gives talented young artists who have recently graduated from UK art schools the opportunity to showcase their work professionally and win a significant monetary award towards their future development.
Now in its ninth year, the Catlin Art Prize is a curated exhibition featuring artists selected from The Catlin Guide 2015. The Catlin Guide is an introduction to the 40 most promising new graduate artists in the UK, recommended by a wide survey of curators, art writers, collectors, gallerists and course tutors.
The 2015 Catlin Art Prize finalists are: Jon Baker (Chelsea College of Arts), Felicity Hammond (Royal College of Art), Oliver Hickmet (City & Guilds of London Art School), Nicholas Johnson (Royal College of Art), Paul Schneider (Royal Academy of Arts), Lexi Strauss (Royal College of Art), Dominic Watson (The Glasgow School of Art) and Zhu Tian (Royal College of Art).
Finalists are selected from The Catlin Guide 2015 for their potential to make a significant mark on the art world in the next decade. Shortlisted artists receive mentoring and generous production assistance to encourage ambitious new projects for the exhibition.
The Catlin Art Prize is unique in implementing this framework. It is this support and the high production values of the exhibition that distinguish the Catlin Art Prize from other survey shows and prizes.
Many previous Catlin Art Prize finalists are building successful careers nationally and internationally. As title sponsors of the Catlin Art Prize, Catlin – one of the world’s leading insurers of fine art – continues to help realise the ambitions of promising new artists.
“凱特琳藝術獎(Catlin Art Prize)”是一個專為英國藝術院校畢業生創立的藝術獎項,它為新銳藝術家提供專業的展示平台,並頒發可觀的獎金幫助於他們進行未來創作。
今年是“凱特琳藝術獎”第九個年頭,按照慣例展覽將從《凱特琳指南(The Catlin Guide)》裡挑選藝術家參展。《凱特琳指南》是一本介紹英國年度最具潛質藝術畢業生的導覽,40位藝術家均來自眾多專業人士的推薦,如策展人、藝術作家、收藏家、畫廊主和導師等,而評審團最終會從這40位裡選出最終入圍名單並提供獎金進行新的創作及展示。
2015年“凱特琳藝術獎”入圍候選人有來自切爾西藝術與設計學院的喬恩·貝克(Jon Baker)、英國皇家藝術學院的費莉西蒂·哈蒙德(Felicity Hammond)、倫敦城市協會藝術大學的奧利弗·Hickmet(Oliver Hickmet)、英國皇家藝術學院的尼古拉斯·約翰遜(Nicholas Johnson)、英國皇家美術學會的保羅·施奈德(Paul Schneider)、英國皇家藝術學院的萊克茜·斯特勞斯(Lexi Strauss)、格拉斯哥藝術學院的多米尼克·沃森(Dominic Watson)和英國皇家藝術學院的朱甜(Zhu Tian)。
- Nicholas Johnson ‘Crazed Flowering’ 2014 Installation Detail (Acrylic and collage on paper and canvas high res
- Jon Baker, Mother’s Medal (Blacked) Installation shot
Tips 小貼士
展覽場地:Londonewcastle Project Space 倫敦新城堡項目空間
更多信息: www.artcatlin.com