The V&A has been given unprecedented access to the David Bowie Archive to curate the first international retrospective of the extraordinary career of David Bowie – one of the most pioneering and influential performers of modern times. David Bowie is will explore the creative processes of Bowie as a musical innovator and cultural icon, tracing his shifting style and sustained reinvention across five decades.
英國維多利亞和阿爾伯特博物館為策划此次關於大衛·鮑伊整個職業生涯的回顧展,收 集和整理了大量的關於大衛·鮑伊的檔案資料,來全方位地展示這位近代極為先鋒和極 富影響力的表演者。《關於大衛·鮑伊(David Bowie is)》展示了大衛·鮑伊作為一位音樂 革新者和文化標誌的跨越五十年的職業生涯和創作歷程。
The V&A’s Theatre and Performance curators, Victoria Broackes and Geoffrey Marsh, have selected more than 300 objects that will be brought together for the very first time. They include handwritten lyrics, original costumes, fashion, photography, film, music videos, set designs, Bowie’s own instruments and album artwork. The V&A will take an in- depth look at how David Bowie’s music and radical individualism has both influenced and been influenced by wider movements in art, design and contemporary culture. The exhibition will also demonstrate how he has inspired others to challenge convention and pursue freedom of expression.
維多利亞和阿爾伯特博物館的策展人們挑選了超過300件的展品,這些相關的檔案資料 都是對外的首次進行綜合展示,其中包括大衛·鮑伊的歌詞手稿、演出服、時裝、攝影、電 影、音樂視頻、設計、樂器及專輯封面。展覽深入的揭示了大衛·鮑伊的音樂和極端的個 人主義風格是如何與廣泛的藝術運動、設計思潮及當代文化之間產生互動的。展覽展示 了他是如何挑戰傳統和追求自由的表達,從而帶給我們啟發。
The exhibition will explore the broad range of Bowie’s collaborations with artists and designers in the fields of fashion, sound, graphics, theatre, art and film. On display will be more than 60 stage-costumes including Ziggy Stardust bodysuits (1972) designed by Freddie Burretti, Kansai Yamamoto’s flamboyant creations for the Aladdin Sane tour (1973) and the Union Jack coat designed by Bowie and Alexander McQueen for the Earthling album cover (1997). Alongside these will be more personal items such as never-before-seen storyboards, handwritten set lists and lyrics as well as some of Bowie’s own sketches, musical scores and diary entries, revealing the evolution of his creative ideas.
展覽也展示了鮑伊與時裝、聲音、平面設計、戲劇、藝術和電影領域的藝術家和設計 師之間的廣泛合作。展覽展出了超過60件演出服,其中包括弗雷迪·貝芮緹(Freddie Burretti)設計的齊格星塵緊身衣(Ziggy Stardust bodysuits 1972),山本寬齋(Kansai Yamamoto)設計的龍鳳外衣及鮑伊和亞歷山大·麥昆(Alexander McQueen)一起設 計的米字旗夾克。此外,展覽還展示了很多鮑伊的私人物品,如從未公開展示的歌詞草 稿、樂譜、日記等,揭示了他創作過程和思想的演變。
Tips 小貼示
展覽場地: V&A Museum 維多利亞和阿爾伯特博物館
展覽時間: 23.3.2013–28.7.2013
更多信息: www.vam.ac.uk