10 June – 9 October 2016
The Serpentine reveals the designs for its expanded Architecture Programme for 2016: the 16th annual Pavilion designed by Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) (Copenhagen/New York) and four newly commissioned Summer Houses by Kunlé Adeyemi – NLÉ (Amsterdam/Lagos), Barkow Leibinger (Berlin/New York), Yona Friedman (Paris) and Asif Khan (London). The Summer Houses are inspired by Queen Caroline’s Temple, a classical style summer house built in 1734 and a stone’s throw from the Serpentine Gallery.
The Serpentine Pavilion, designed by Bjarke lngels Group (BIG), is an ‘unzipped wall’ that is transformed from straight line to three-dimensional space, creating a dramatic structure that by day houses a cafe and free family activities and by night becomes a space for the Serpentine’s acclaimed Park Nights programme of performative works by artists, writers and musicians. Kunlé Adeyemi’s Summer House is an inverse replica of Queen Caroline’s Temple -a tribute to its robust form, space and material, recomposed into a new sculptural object. Barkow Leibinger were inspired by another, now extinct, 18th Century pavilion also designed by William Kent, which rotated and offered 360 degree views of the Park. Vona Friedman’s Summer House takes the form of a modular structure that can be assembled and disassembled in different formations and builds upon the architects pioneering project La Ville Spatiale (Spatial City) begun in the late 1950s. Asif Khan’s design is inspired by the fact that Queen Caroline’s Temple was positioned in a way that it would allow it to catch the sunlight from the Serpentine lake.
The Serpentine’s Pavilion commission, conceived in 2000 by Director Julia Peyton-Jones, has become an international site for architectural experimentation and has presented projects by some of the world’s greatest architects. Each Pavilion is sited on the Serpentine Gallery’s lawn for four months and immediacy of the mission – taking a maximum of six months from invitation to completion – provides a unique model worldwide.
蛇形畫廊公佈了2016年第十六屆建築方案擴展項目的設計。戶外展亭由著名丹麥建築師比賈科·英格爾斯及其領導的建築事務所 BIG操刀設計與建造。今年蛇形畫廊首次拓展了項目規模,還邀請了其他四位建築師,昆勒·阿德耶米及其團隊 NLÉ、巴爾科·萊賓格、沃納·弗里德曼以及阿西夫·可汗設計四款夏日之屋。他們將從卡羅琳皇后殿中汲取靈感,這是一座建於1734年的古典風格避暑別墅,毗鄰蛇形畫廊。
Tips 小貼士
展覽場地:Serpentine Gallery 蛇形畫廊
展覽時間:10.06.2016 – 09.10.2016
Edited & Translated by Qiwen Ke
編輯 x 翻譯:柯淇雯