
Master Drawings | 大師素描

The Ashmolean announces one of its major summer exhibitions, Master Drawings, as part of the celebrations to mark the founding of the Museum in 1683. The exhibition, drawn from one of the world’s greatest collections of works on paper, will display a selection of the Ashmolean’s treasures of western art including works by Michelangelo and Raphael; Dürer and the artists of the Northern Renaissance; through the centuries to Rubens and Rembrandt; Turner, Degas and Pissarro; up to Gwen John and David Hockney.

Master Drawings will survey drawings of all types – figure studies, composition sketches, landscapes and portraits. Michelangelo will be represented by a study for the Sistine ceiling. Raphael will be represented by a series of studies ranging from one of his earliest works – a figure of the kneeling Magdalen delicately outlined in silverpoint- to one his last studies, the powerful and famous image of the hands and the heads of two apostles, drawn shortly before his death in 1520. The history of landscape drawing will
be explored from its beginnings with Dürer’s View of the Cembra Valley made in 1494; to watercolour sketches made by JMW Turner from opposite ends of his career. The seventeenth century will be represented in drawings by Rembrandt and Rubens; Guercino; and Claude Lorrain. The story will continue through the following centuries with studies by several of Europe’s greatest draughtsmen: Watteau, Boucher, Fragonard, Tiepolo, Goya, Ingres, Degas and Cézanne.

Dr Jon Whiteley, Senior Curator of European Art at the Ashmolean, says, “Drawings provide a unique insight into artists’ thoughts and working methods. Visitors to this exhibition will have the chance to take in works of the greatest quality, drawn by some of the most famous artists in the history of western art.”

英國阿什莫林博物館開始了他們夏季的主展《大師素描》,這個展覽也是 慶祝其建館330週年活動的一部份。此次展覽展出了世界上最偉大的紙 上作品收藏,呈現了博物館珍藏的西方藝術大師的精品,包括米開朗基羅 (Michelangelo)、拉斐爾(Raphael)、丟勒(Dürer)和一部份文藝復興北 方畫派的作品,而且時間跨度很廣,從百年前的魯本斯(Rubens)、倫勃朗 (Rembrandt); 特納(Turner), 德加(Degas)和畢沙羅(Pissarro)到現代 的格溫·約翰(Gwen John)和大衛·霍克尼(David Hockney)。

《大師素描》涵蓋了各種素描形式,造型、速寫、風景和肖像。米開朗基羅 的作品是其關於西斯廷教堂穹頂壁畫的草稿;拉斐爾的作品是從其早期 到晚期一系列的草稿,包括他1520年去世之前不久繪製的著名的兩個使 徒的手和頭部特寫;關於風景畫的歷史,展覽從丟勒的作品開始一直到特 納晚年的水彩速寫為結點;關於17世紀的繪畫則由倫勃朗、魯本斯、爾奇 諾(Guercino)和克勞德·洛蘭(Claude Lorrain)的作品來擔綱;展覽還 通過歐洲最偉大畫家們的作品來展現了接下來幾個世紀的繪畫歷程,其 中包括華托(Watteau),布歇(Boucher),弗拉戈納爾(Fragonard),提埃波羅(Tiepolo),戈雅(Goya),安格爾(Ingres),德加(Degas)和塞尚 (Cézanne)。

阿什莫林博物館歐洲藝術高級策展人喬恩·惠特利博士(Dr Jon Whiteley)表 示:“繪畫提供了一個獨特的了解和洞察藝術家思想和工作的方法。觀眾來觀 看這個展覽將會有機會欣賞到西方藝術史中眾多藝術大師的傑出畫作。”




展览场地: Ashmolean Museum 阿什莫林博物館

展覽時間:25.5.2013 – 18.8.2013





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