
new media

Souk, Derivatives, Simulation: The World Created in Art

  Text and Images by 撰文 x U. Kanad Chakrabarti 尤.卡納德·查克拉巴蒂 Translated by 翻譯 x Jay, Chun-Chieh Lai 賴駿杰 Michelle Yu 余小悅   My studio is a place of clashes: imperfection and chaos in close proximity to the comparatively ethereal praxis that is digital video-editing.  The resistance of physical materials gives rise to surprises, accidents,

Interview with Omar Kholeif on Electronic Superhighway (2016-1966)

INTERVIEWED AND TEXT BY 採訪及撰文 X NILS JEAN,SOPHIE GUO 郭笑菲 TRANSLATED BY 翻譯 x JOSHUA GONG 龔之允 HARRY LIU 劉競晨 IMAGES COURTESY OF X WHITECHAPEL GALLERY 白教堂畫廊     Electronic Superhighway (2016-1966) at the Whitechapel Gallery is a recap of the history of Internet art from 1966 to the present day. The show brings together

Beyond New Media Art

Text by 撰文 x Li Bowen 李博文   Like other books of similar titles – and the overwhelming abundance of publications as such in recent years is already a very telling fact – Domenico Quaranta attempts in the Beyond New Media Art  to define New Media Art in a clear, honest and innovative fashion, against


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