Maverick: Interview with Zhu Tian
Graduate Said

Interview with the RCA Graduate Zhenhan Hao 採訪皇家藝術學院畢業生郝振瀚 。 ART.ZIP: Could you tell us about your studying experience in the UK? Why did you choose the RCA? Did you study in Art school in China as well? ZH: I had my Bachelor’s degree of Design in the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) in China. During …
Let the Curiosity Lead Your Way

Interview with Professor Jo Stockham Head of Printmaking at the Royal College of Art 專訪皇家藝術學院版畫專業課程主任 喬·斯托克姆 . . Jo Stockham has been Professor and Head of the Printmaking programme since 2008. She began working at the Royal College of Art in 1993 as a visiting lecturer in Painting, Sculpture and Printmaking. Her background in teaching …
Design with Global Vision

Interview with Professor Miles Pennington Head of Innovation Design Engineering at the Royal College of Art 採訪邁爾斯·潘寧頓 皇家藝術學院創新設計工程課程主任 . Professor Miles Pennington joined the Royal College of Art in 2002 as a visiting tutor and became senior tutor of Innovation Design Engineering in 2007. He was appointed Head of Department and Professor of …
Small College, Huge Influence

Interview with Professor Naren Barfield, Pro-Rector (Academic) at the Royal College of Art 專訪英國皇家藝術學院學術院長納仁·巴菲爾德教授 . Naren Barfield is an artist. He has held senior academic positions for several years including leading research in two specialist art and design institutions. He is currently Pro-Rector (Academic) at the Royal College of Art, where he leads the academic direction …
Sensing Spaces: Architecture Reimagined at Royal Academy of Art皇家藝術學會《感知空間:建築在望》

In January 2014, Sensing Spaces: Architecture Reimagined will see the Main Galleries of the Royal Academy of Arts transformed by seven architectural practices from around the world. The RA has commissioned the architects to create site-specific installations; the shared brief is to explore the essential elements of architecture. Instead of representations of buildings in the …