
Art Fund

The Art Fund (formerly the National Art Collections Fund) is an independent membership-based British charity, was founded in 1903 in order to help museums and galleries acquire works of art. Since its foundation in 1903 the Fund has been involved in the acquisition of over 860,000 works of art of every kind, including many of the most famous objects in British public collections, such as Velázquez’s Rokeby Venus in the National Gallery, Picasso’s Weeping Woman in the Tate collection. It gives grants and acts as a channel for many gifts and bequests, as well as lobbying on behalf of museums and galleries and their users. The Fund relies on members’ subscriptions and public donations for funds and does not receive funding from the government or the National Lottery.

In the last five years the Art Fund has spent £24 million on helping over 700 museums and galleries to buy great art –historic and contemporary.

“藝術基金會(Art Fund)”是英國一個會員制的獨立慈善機構,它成立於19 03 年,當時的名字是“國家藝術收藏基金(the National Art Collections Fund)”,成立的目的是為了幫助博物館和美術館籌集資金來購買藝術品。自從19 03 年成立以來,藝術基金會協助了超過8 6萬件藝術作品的收購行動,這些形形色色的藝術品中包括了許多著名的英國公共藏品,比如國家畫廊(National Gallery)裡的委拉斯貴支( Ve l á z q u e z )的《洛克貝·維納斯(Rokeby Venus)》和泰特美術館(Tate)收藏的畢加索(Picasso)《哭泣的女人(Weeping Woman)》。現在的藝術基金會不僅為美術館和博物館提供資金,同時也成為了捐贈作品或遺產的一大渠道,除此之外,它還代表美術館和博物館及其使用者進行相關的遊說行動。該基金會只依靠註冊會員費及社會捐助資金來運作,並不受政府或國家彩票資金的支持。





Fundraising Campaigns

In addition to using its own funds to help museums and galleries acquire art, the Art Fund organizes national fundraising campaigns to secure significant works of art that are in danger of being lost from public view.

In 2009 the Art Fund led a fundraising campaign to save the Staffordshire Hoard, a collection of over 3,500 gold and silver artefacts discovered in Staffordshire. Over £900,000 was raised through public donations, and the campaign received substantial funds from trusts and foundations. As a result of the campaign, the £3.3 million treasure was acquired for Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery and the Potteries Museum & Art Gallery.




2009年,英國斯塔福德郡(Staffordshire)發現了一組超過3500件金銀器文物,藝術基金會因此組織了一次為保護這組文物而發起的籌款行動。這次行動從民眾中募集了超過90萬英鎊(約900萬人民幣)的資金,並且很多非盈利信託和基金會也捐出了大量資金。通過這次的籌款活動,這組估價在330萬英鎊(約3300萬人民幣)的文物在基金會的協助下被伯明翰博物館藝術畫廊(Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery)和陶器博物館藝術畫廊(Potteries Museum and Art Gallery)所收購。



Museum of the Year

The Art Fund sponsors the Museum of the Year award (known as the Gulbenkian Prize from 2003 to 2007 and the Art Fund Prize from 2008 to 2012). This is a £100,000 prize awarded annually to the museum or gallery that had the most imaginative, innovative or popular project during the previous year. The winner of 2012 is Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter.


藝術基金會的另一個知名項目是每年一度的“年度博物館(Museum of the Year)”評選,基金會每年提供10萬鎊的獎金頒發給在過去一年中最富有想像力、最有創新精神的博物館項目。2012年獲得此獎殊榮的是位於埃克塞特(Exeter)的皇家艾伯特紀念博物館(Royal Albert Memorial Museum)。


D.Data from: Art Fund Annual Report 2011-12-2012-13

(D.Data from: Art Fund Annual Report 2011-12/2012-13

數據來源 – 英國國家藝術基金會年度報表2011-12及 年度報表2012-13)


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