
Chagall: Modern Master

Marc Chagall (1887–1985) is one of the best known and most loved artists of the last century. Chagall: Modern Master is the first major exhibition of the Russian painter’s work in the UK for over fifteen years and reveals a radically different artist to the one often-presented in art history. The exhibition showcases Chagall as a passionate visionary and pioneer of the avant-garde, who combined his own response to the art movements of the day with an open display of affection for his native Russia and Hasidic Jewish heritage.

The exhibition brings together more than seventy paintings and drawings from major institutions and private collections across the world. The works will be presented in a broadly chronological order, with thematic groupings charting Chagall’s encounters with avant-garde artistic movements, highlighting how he combined these new pictorial languages with his own imaginative and fantastical motifs to create his innovative and expressive works.

Chagall: Modern Master begins with Chagall’s emergence as an artist in
his native Vitebsk, in present-day Belarus, and his subsequent training in St Petersburg. It goes on to examine the three crucial years spent in Paris (1911– 14), where he explored his personal relationship to the emerging avant-garde movements of Cubism and Orphism in paintings such as Half Past Three (The Poet) 1911 and Paris Through the Window 1913. The exhibition brings to light how Chagall responded to the traumas of war and religious persecution following a return to his native Russia at the outbreak of the First World War, creating the emotional and often illogical paintings that would go on to form the core of his art for the remainder of his life. The eight years Chagall was forced to spend in Russia before he could return to Paris were marked by a ferocious rate of artistic production and the consolidation of his signature painterly style – demonstrated in the exhibition by major works of the period including Anywhere out of the World 1915 and Promenade 1917–18.

馬克·夏加爾(1887–1985)是上個世紀最為知名和受人愛戴 的藝術家之一。《夏加爾:現代大師》是這位俄羅斯畫家15 年來在英國第一次大型展覽,同藝術史中經常被呈現的面貌 有所不同,這個展覽展現了夏加爾作為藝術家的更多側面, 他是一位充滿激情和富有遠見的先鋒藝術家,將自己的藝術 創作與當時的前衛藝術運動相結合,他的藝術創作毫不掩飾 他對自己猶太後裔身份的認同,以及對祖國俄羅斯的熱愛。

展覽彙集了超過70件繪畫作品,這些作品來自遍及全球主 要的藝術機構和私人收藏。展覽以時間為線索,按照夏加 爾與不同藝術思潮之間的碰撞與影響來劃分主題,呈現了 他是怎樣將新的繪畫語言與自己天馬行空的想像和夢幻般的圖像結合起來並創造出極具創新和富有感染力的作品。

《夏加爾:現代大師》以藝術家在其故鄉維捷布斯克(現白 俄羅斯)和在聖彼得堡的學習為開篇,然後介紹了他1911到 1914年在巴黎度過的關鍵性的三年,在這里他開始探索立 體主義和奧費主義這些當時的前衛藝術運動與他自身繪畫 創作的關係。此外,展覽還揭示了第一次世界大戰爆發后, 回到俄羅斯的夏加爾是如何迴應戰爭和宗教迫害對他造成 的創傷–他開始創作充滿感情的,經常是毫無邏輯的繪畫, 後來這些漸漸成了他後半生藝術創作的核心。在被迫滯留 俄羅斯的八年,被認為是夏加爾創作的高峰時期,他創作了 大量個人風格鮮明的作品。




展覽場地:Tate Liverpool 泰特利物浦美術館

展覽時間:8.6.2013 – 6.10.2013




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