
Michael Landy: Saints Alive


This summer, the National Gallery’s Sunley Room comes alive with an exhibition of vibrant kinetic sculptures created by artist Michael Landy 
who was born in London in 1963 and attended Goldsmiths College and became known as the generation of the YBAs (Young British Artists). Inspired by works in the Gallery’s collection, Michael Landy: Saints Alive is the culmination of Landy’s position as the Gallery’s current Rootstein Hopkins Associate Artist in residence.

Landy’s imagination has been captured by images of saints in the collection; the colorful and detailed portrayal of their lives, their attributes, and stories of their single-mindedness and strength have provided powerful stimuli for Landy’s work. Towering over visitors, the seven large-scale sculptures swivel and turn, in movements that evoke the drama of each saint’s life. Saints Apollonia, Catherine, Francis, Jerome, Thomas – and an additional sculpture that takes a number of saints as its inspiration – fill the Sunley Room alongside collages on paper that show the creative process on which Landy embarked to arrive at the kinetic sculptures.

The large-scale sculptures are formed of re-imagined fragments of National Gallery paintings cast in fibreglass, painted and assembled with the surprising addition of metal cogs, wheels, defunct fan belts and motors that Landy has accumulated from junkyards, car boot sales and flea markets. Landy has reworked the two-dimensional images into energetic three- dimensional pieces, creating elements hidden from view in the original paintings, such as a saint’s back or the fullness of folds of drapery. Keen to involve visitors and to facilitate interaction with the works, Landy has devised foot pedal mechanisms that crank the works to life.

今年夏天,英國國家畫廊的崇利展廳因為當代藝術家邁克爾·蘭迪創作的活動 雕塑而變得活力四射。邁克爾·蘭迪于1963年生於倫敦,畢業於戈德史密斯藝 術學院,是被稱為YBA的一代英國年輕藝術家中的一員。《邁克爾·蘭迪:聖者 永生》展出的作品靈感來源自英國國家畫廊的館藏作品,此次展覽也將國家畫 廊的藝術家駐館項目推向了高潮。

國家畫廊收藏的眾多關於“聖徒”的作品大大的激發了蘭迪的想像力;作品中對 聖徒們生活細節豐富多彩的描繪,以及作品中講述的關於賢聖們矢志不渝且 充滿人性正能量的故事強烈地激起了蘭迪的創作慾望。展現在觀眾面前的,是 七座大型的雕塑,不停地旋轉和扭動著,巨大的器械發出的聲響喚起人們對每 位聖徒生前偉績的回想。聖徒阿波羅尼亞(Apollonia),凱瑟琳(Catherine), 弗朗西斯(Francis),托馬斯(Thomas),杰羅姆(Jerome),還有另外一件綜 合了好幾位聖徒靈感的活動雕塑組成了展覽的主要部份,旁邊展廳陳列的紙 上拼貼作品展示了蘭迪創作這些活動雕塑的思考和發展過程。

此次展出的活動雕塑外殼是使用玻璃纖維製作的,其表面噴塗了根據國家畫廊 藏品而重新構思的片段,內部則是令人驚異的機械結構,齒輪,拆解風扇,電機, 傳送帶等組成了作品的核心–這些零件都是蘭迪從垃圾堆,跳蚤市場等地方收集 來的。蘭迪將二維的繪畫重新創作成為三維的雕塑,富有創造力的補充了各種細 節,為了讓觀眾更多地與作品互動,他還為雕塑增加了控制活動開關的腳踏板使 整个雕塑活了起来。




展覽場地:National Gallery 英國國家畫廊

展覽時間:23.5.2013 – 24.11.2013




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