The National Portrait Gallery
July 13- October 22, 2017
The National Portrait Gallery presents The Encounter: Drawings from Leonardo to Rembrandt: an exhibition of old master European portrait drawings from 13 July to 22 October. The works on display are by some of the outstanding masters of the Renaissance and Baroque. These drawings are extraordinary records of an artist’s skill and a sitter’s appearance, and also appear to capture a moment of connection, an encounter between an artist and a sitter.
Some of the people depicted in these portraits can be identified, such as the emperor’s chaplain or the king’s clerk, but many are the faces from the street – the nurse, the shoemaker, and the artist’s friends and pupils in the studio – whose likenesses were rarely captured in paintings during this period. The exhibition includes some of the hidden treasures of Britain’s finest collections, as the drawings’ sensitivity to light means they cannot be put on regular display.

Sir John Godsalve by Hans Holbein the Younger c.1532-4 Royal Collection Trust © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2017
The Encounter: Drawings from Leonardo to Rembrandt brings together forty-eight portrait drawings by artists who worked throughout Europe, including Antonio di Puccio Pisano (Pisanello), Leonardo da Vinci, Albrecht Dürer, Francesco Salviati, Hans Holbein the Younger, Annibale Carracci, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Anthony Van Dyck, and Rembrandt van Rijn. By bringing together an important group of drawings, The Encounter: Drawings from Leonardo to Rembrandt explores what the study of European portrait drawing can tell us about artistic practice and the process of sitting.
By including a display of the types of drawing tools and media used – from metalpoint to coloured chalks – and considering the individuals depicted in these often intimate portraits, many of whom remain unidentified, the exhibition will show how these artists moved away from the use of medieval pattern-books as source materials, to study the figure, and the face, from life.
Artist Jenny Saville says: ‘Drawing is an equation of nature. It’s as instinctive as thinking and is the first physical point of contact in the world of imaginative thinking, whether you’re drawing a head, a map, designing a chair, a building or an iPhone.’

Giulio Pedrizzano, The Lutenist Mascheroni by Annibale Carracci c.1593-4 Royal Collection Trust © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2017
《一場邂逅:達芬奇至倫勃朗時期肖像畫展》于2017年7月13日至10月22日于英國國家肖像館展出,觀賞者們有機會近距離欣賞超過50幅文藝復興時期和巴洛克時期的肖像畫。由達芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci),丟勒(Albrecht Dürer)、小漢斯·霍爾拜因(Hans Holbein the Younger)、魯本斯(Peter Rubens)、倫勃朗(Rembrandt van Rijn)等藝術家于15至17世紀創作。參展作品借展自英國藝術機構與私人藏家,其中15幅由英國皇室收藏。
時間:2017年7月13日 至 10月22日
地點:英國國家肖像館 Saint Martin’s Place, London WC2H 0HE