- Joseph Cornell
Habitat Group for a Shooting Gallery, 1943
Mixed media, 39.4 x 28.3 x 10.8 cm
Purchased with funds from the Coffin Fine Arts Trust; Nathan Emory Coffin Collection of the Des Moines Art Center, 1975.27
Photo Collection of the Des Moines Art Center
(c) The Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation/VAGA, NY/DACS, London 2015
Exhibition organised by the Royal Academy of Arts, London, and Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
Press use is considered to be moderate use of images to report a current event or to illustrate a review or criticism of the work, as defined by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 Chapter 48 Section 30 Subsections (1) – (3). Reproductions which comply with the above do not need to be licensed.
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Please also ensure that all works that are provided are shown in full, with no overprinting or manipulation.
- Joseph Cornell, Pharmacy, 1943
Box construction, 38.7 x 30.5 x 7.9 cm
Collection of Paul Sch??rer
Photo Dominique Uldry
(c) The Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation/VAGA, NY/DACS, London 2015
Exhibition organised by the Royal Academy of Arts, London, and Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
Press use is considered to be moderate use of images to report a current event or to illustrate a review or criticism of the work, as defined by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 Chapter 48 Section 30 Subsections (1) – (3). Reproductions which comply with the above do not need to be licensed.
Reproductions for all non-press uses or for press uses where the above criteria do not apply (e.g. covers and feature articles) must be licensed before publication. Further information can be obtained at www.dacs.org.uk or by contacting DACS licensing on +44 207 336 8811.
Due to UK copyright law only applying to UK publications, any articles or press uses which are published outside of the UK and include reproductions of these images will need to have sought authorisation with the relevant copyright society of that country.
Please also ensure that all works that are provided are shown in full, with no overprinting or manipulation.
- Joseph Cornell, Untitled (Tilly Losch), c. 1935-38
Box Construction, 25.4 x 23.5 x 5.4 cm
Collection of Robert Lehrman, courtesy of Aimee and Robert Lehrman
Photo The Robert Lehrman Art Trust, courtesy of Aimee and Robert Lehrman. Photography: Quicksilver Photographers, LLC
(c) The Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation/VAGA, NY/DACS, London 2015
Exhibition organised by the Royal Academy of Arts, London, and Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
Press use is considered to be moderate use of images to report a current event or to illustrate a review or criticism of the work, as defined by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 Chapter 48 Section 30 Subsections (1) – (3). Reproductions which comply with the above do not need to be licensed.
Reproductions for all non-press uses or for press uses where the above criteria do not apply (e.g. covers and feature articles) must be licensed before publication.
Further information can be obtained at www.dacs.org.uk or by contacting DACS licensing on +44 207 336 8811.
Due to UK copyright law only applying to UK publications, any articles or press uses which are published outside of the UK and include reproductions of these images will need to have sought authorisation with the relevant copyright society of that country.
Please also ensure that all works that are provided are shown in full, with no overprinting or manipulation.
- Joseph Cornell
Naples, 1942
Box construction, 28.6 x 17.1 x 12.1 cm
The Robert Lehrman Art Trust, Courtesy of Aimee and Robert Lehrman
(c) The Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation/VAGA, NY/DACS, London 2015
Photo: Quicksilver Photographers, LLC
Exhibition organised by the Royal Academy of Arts, London, and Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
Press use is considered to be moderate use of images to report a current event or to illustrate a review or criticism of the work, as defined by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 Chapter 48 Section 30 Subsections (1) – (3). Reproductions which comply with the above do not need to be licensed.
Reproductions for all non-press uses or for press uses where the above criteria do not apply (e.g. covers and feature articles) must be licensed before publication.
Further information can be obtained at www.dacs.org.uk or by contacting DACS licensing on +44 207 336 8811.
Due to UK copyright law only applying to UK publications, any articles or press uses which are published outside of the UK and include reproductions of these images will need to have sought authorisation with the relevant copyright society of that country.
Please also ensure that all works that are provided are shown in full, with no overprinting or manipulation.
- Joseph Cornell
Object (Soap Bubble Set), 1941
Box construction, 46.4 x 31.4 x 9.5 cm
The Robert Lehrman Art Trust, Courtesy of Aimee and Robert Lehrman
(c) The Joseph and Robert Cornell Memorial Foundation/VAGA, NY/DACS, London 2015
Photo: Quicksilver Photographers, LLC. Exhibition organised by the Royal Academy of Arts, London, and Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
Press use is considered to be moderate use of images to report a current event or to illustrate a review or criticism of the work, as defined by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 Chapter 48 Section 30 Subsections (1) – (3). Reproductions which comply with the above do not need to be licensed.
Reproductions for all non-press uses or for press uses where the above criteria do not apply (e.g. covers and feature articles) must be licensed before publication. Further information can be obtained at www.dacs.org.uk or by contacting DACS licensing on +44 207 336 8811.
Due to UK copyright law only applying to UK publications, any articles or press uses which are published outside of the UK and include reproductions of these images will need to have sought authorisation with the relevant copyright society of that country.
Please also ensure that all works that are provided are shown in full, with no overprinting or manipulation.
Joseph Cornell
4 July — 27 September 2015
Royal Academy of Arts
2 June – 13 September 2015
Serpentine Sackler Gallery
Shoes: Pleasure and Pain
13 June 2015 – 31 January 2016
Victoria and Albert Museum
- Annette IV by Alberto Giacometti, 1962 Tate, London 2015
- Bust of Annette by Alberto Giacometti, 1954 Private Collection
- Woman of Venice VIII by Alberto Giacometti, 1956 Kunsthaus Zurich, Alberto Giacometti-Stiftung
Giacometti: Pure Presence
15 October 2015-10 January 2016
National Portrait Gallery
Alice Anderson: Memory Movement Memory Objects
22 July 2015 – 18 October 2015
Wellcome Collection and Library
Zhang Ding: Enter the Dragon
12 Oct 2015 – 25 Oct 2015
Institute of Contemporary Art
- P07070A03NF 2009
Goya: The Portraits
7 October 2015 – 10 January 2016
National Gallery
- M.C. Escher, Belvedere, 1958, Lithograph, 58.9 x 41.2 cm, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag. All M.C. Escher works copyright © The M.C. Escher Company B.V. -Baarn-the Netherlands. All rights reserved. www.mcescher.com
- M.C. Escher, Bond of Union, 1956, Lithograph, 25.3 x 33.9 cm, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag. All M.C. Escher works copyright © The M.C. Escher Company B.V. -Baarn-the Netherlands. All rights reserved. www.mcescher.com
- M.C. Escher, Circle Limit III, 1959, Woodcut, Diameter 41.5cm, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag. All M.C. Escher works copyright © The M.C. Escher Company B.V. -Baarn-the Netherlands. All rights reserved. www.mcescher.com
- M.C. Escher, Day and Night, 1938, Woodcut in black and grey, 39.2 x 67.8 cm, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag. All M.C. Escher works copyright © The M.C. Escher Company B.V. -Baarn-the Netherlands. All rights reserved. www.mcescher.com
- M.C. Escher, Drawing Hands, 1948, Lithograph, 28.2 x 33.2 cm, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag. All M.C. Escher works copyright © The M.C. Escher Company B.V. -Baarn-the Netherlands. All rights reserved. www.mcescher.com
- M.C. Escher, Hand with a Reflecting Sphere, 1935, Lithograph, 31.8 x 21.34 cm, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag. All M.C. Escher works copyright © The M.C. Escher Company B.V. -Baarn-the Netherlands. All rights reserved. www.mcescher.com
- M.C. Escher, Relativity, 1953, Lithograph, 29.1 x 29.4 cm, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag. All M.C. Escher works copyright © The M.C. Escher Company B.V. -Baarn-the Netherlands. All rights reserved. www.mcescher.com
- M.C. Escher, Reptiles, 1943, Lithograph, 33.4 x 38.5 cm, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag. All M.C. Escher works copyright © The M.C. Escher Company B.V. -Baarn-the Netherlands. All rights reserved. www.mcescher.com
M. C. Escher
12 October 2015 – 17 January 2016
Dulwich Picture Gallery
Paul Neagu: Palpable Sculpture
13 August – 8 November 2015
Revelations: Experiments in Photography
20 March 2015 – 13 September 2015
Science Museum