British design studio Barber Osgerby have won the Design of the Year 2012 for their stunning design of the London 2012 Olympic Torch. The overall winner was chosen from 89 entries to claim the winning title.
The London 2012 Olympic Torch is not only a beautiful symbol of the Olympic Games but it also meets a demanding design brief. The aluminium made torch will be carried over 8,000 miles and is perforated with 8,000 circular holes, each representing a bearer who will run with the torch. Aside from being decorative, the holes also act to reduce the weight of the torch and prevent heat from the flame being conducted to the bearer’s hand.
Deyan Sudjic, Director of the Design Museum said of the winning entry ‘Nothing is harder to get right than designing for the Olympics. The lightness and simplicity of Barber Osgerby’s London 2012 Olympic Torch does just that. The torch not only captures the spirit of London as Olympic host city but also demonstrates how design can celebrate traditional ideas in a modern way’.
英國設計工作室巴伯 · 歐斯格比(Barber Osgerby)設計的 倫敦2012年奧運會火炬為他們贏得了2012年設計大獎。這 個總冠軍是從89項設計作品中脫穎而出,而一舉奪魁。
倫敦2012年奧運會火炬不單單是奧林匹克運動會的美好象 徵,同樣,它也滿足了對於設計的苛求。火炬為鋁制,上有 8000個圓孔,它將會隨火炬手一起前行8000英里,每個圓 孔代表了一位火炬手。除去裝飾作用之外,這些圓孔也減少了火炬本身的重量,並且可以防止火焰導熱而燙傷火炬手。
對於獲獎作品,設計博物館的館長德岩 · 薩基克 (Deyan Sudjic)說:“沒有什麼比為奧運會設計更難的了。巴伯 · 歐 斯格比設計的倫敦2012年奧運會火炬,輕便,簡單,恰恰 做到了這點。這個火炬不只是捕捉到了倫敦作為奧運會主 辦城市的精神,同時它也展示了設計是如何以一種現代的 方式來頌揚傳統觀念的。”
Seven Category awards were also presented:
The Architecture Award went to the London 2012 Velodrome.
The Fashion Award went to Issey Miyake 132.5 collection.
The Digital Awards went to Kinect by Microsoft.
The Transport Award went to the redesign of the Emergency Ambulance.
The Graphic Award went to Nokia Pure, a font design that can adjust to all languages.
The Furniture Category was won by recent RCA graduate Kihyun Kim for his balsa wood 1.3 Chair.
時尚設計大獎獲獎作品為三宅一生(Issey Miyake) 的132.5系列
平面設計大獎獲獎作品為諾基亞Nokia Pure字體,可以應用於所有語言
家具設計大獎獲獎作品為皇家藝術學院畢業生金基玄 (Kihyun Kim)設計的巴爾沙木1.3椅