IMAGES COURTESY OF 圖片提供:Tate Modern 泰特現代美術館
Kazimir Malevich (1878–1935) was a radical, mysterious and hugely influential figure in modern art, who lived and worked through one of the most turbulent periods in twentieth century history. Tate Modern will present the first major Malevich retrospective for almost twenty-five years. This groundbreaking exhibition will draw on the world’s greatest collections of his work to offer an expansive view of his career in its entirety.
Having come of age in Tsarist Russia, Malevich witnessed the October Revolution first-hand. His early experiments as a painter led him towards the cataclysmic invention of Suprematism, a bold visual language of abstract geometric shapes and stark colours, epitomised by the Black Square. A definitively radical gesture, it was revealed to the world after months of secrecy and was hidden again for almost half a century after its creator’s death. It sits on a part with Duchamp’s ‘readymade’ as a game-changing moment in twentieth century art and continues to inspire and confound viewers to this day.
Starting from his early paintings of Russian landscapes, agricultural workers and religious scenes, visitors will see Malevich’s journey towards abstract painting and his iconic Suprematist compositions, including almost all the surviving paintings from the legendary 0.10 exhibition. The show will explore his collaborative involvement with architecture and theatre, including his designs for the avant-garde opera Victory over the Sun. The exhibition will also follow his temporary abandonment of painting in favour of teaching and writing, and his much-debated return to figurative painting in later life.
Malevich’s work tells a fascinating story about the dream of a new social order, the successes and pitfalls of revolutionary ideals, and the power of art itself. This exhibition will, for the first time, offer visitors a chance to trace his groundbreaking developments not only through well-known masterpieces but also through earlier and later work, sculpture, design objects, and rarely-seen prints and drawings.
當時身處沙皇時代的馬列維奇,親身經歷了俄國十月革命。他早期作為畫家所進行的各種藝術實驗引領他創作出具有顛覆性意義的作品,成為至上主義(Suprematism)藝術的開山鼻祖,其作品運用了大膽的視覺表達方式,將鮮明的色彩和抽象的幾何圖形相結合,其代表作為《黑色方塊(the Black Square)》。由於該作品絕對的先鋒性,該作品一再被雪藏直到馬列維奇逝世半個世紀以後才算真正公開向世人展示。這些作品和杜尚(Duchamp)的“現成品(readymade)藝術”改變了20世紀藝術的發展軌跡,而且直到今天這些作品依然激發著觀眾們的興趣,圍繞它們的討論也從未停歇。
從他早期的俄國風景、農民、宗教場景繪畫為起點,觀眾可以看到馬列維奇是如何一步步走向抽象繪畫,并最終發展成具有標誌性的至上主義藝術風格。展覽中呈現了來自當年傳奇展覽《0.10(最後的未來主義畫展)》中幾乎所有的存世作品。展覽也展示了馬列維奇在建築和戲劇領域之間的合作,其中有他設計的未來主義歌劇《勝日(Victory over the Sun)》;除此之外,展覽還介紹了馬列維奇短暫的教書和寫作生涯以及其晚期備受爭議的回歸寫實風格的作品。
Tips 小貼士
展覽場地:Tate Modern 泰特現代美術館
展覽時間:16.7.2014 – 26.10.2014