

The internationally acclaimed art event- the 55th Venice Biennale has opened to the public from 1st of June to 24th of November. Since 1998, the Art and Architecture Biennales have been not merely exhibitions organised by national pavilions. In addition to pavilions, it now also showcases International Exhibition organised by a curator appointed by la Biennale di Venezia. Massimiliano Gioni, as a curator this year, sets the theme as ‘The Encyclopedic Palace’. The idea was inspired from the model which Italian-American artist Marino Auriti filed with the U.S Patent Office in 1955. In his design, he wanted to build a seven hundred-meter-tall building, which could house all the world’s knowledge. Even though the plan was not carried out at the end, there have been numerous writers, scientists and artists pursuing the same dream of exploring the unknown fields throughout history. The curator has used paintings, sculptures, read-made objects to make us reflect on where the boundary is between images and reality in this era of overloaded information, which is overwhelmed by huge number of images. After we understand the truth, will there be any room left for dream and imagination?

兩年一度的藝術盛典《第五十五屆威尼斯雙年展》在六月一日 至十一月二十四日在水都威尼斯沸沸揚揚的展開了。自1998年 起,這“藝術暨建築雙年展”即不再僅僅由各個國家展覽館所包 攬,改為除了國家展覽館之外,還有由主辦單位所指定的策展 人所規劃的“國際主題展覽”。此屆策展人馬希米利阿諾(Massi- miliano Gioni)所設定的主題是“百科宮殿(” The Encyclopedic Palace)。這個構想源自於1955年一位義裔美國藝術家馬里諾(Marino Auriti)向美國專利局提出一個美術館設計的專利申 請。在他的設計中,這座七百米高的美術館模型將會蘊藏全世界 的知識。縱然最終這項計畫沒有付諸實行,但是歷經多少時代, 史上的文學家、科學家、藝術家等等都抱持著同樣的嚮往,對於 未知的部分有著熱切的追求與探索。策展人希望透過繪畫、雕 塑、現成物等讓我們反思在資訊充斥的時代,我們所追求的知識 似乎被數量龐大的影像支配著,這些圖像與真實的界線在哪? 我們了解到所有的真實之後,夢想與幻想還有存在的空間嗎?

This year the International Exhibition and National Pavilions are located in Giardini and Arsenale. There are 88 countries participating and among these, 10 are exhibiting for the first time, which includes Bahamas, Kuwait, Maldives, Republic of Ivory Coast. As for International Exhibition, the artworks are contributed by 150 artists coming from 37 countries. In addition to these two main sites, many of the national museums from all over the world are exhibiting their artists or holding art activities in the city of Venice. When you follow the map to go through these exhibitions, you will also feast your eye on Venice’s unique humanities and customs.

此屆雙年展的國際展覽及國家館主要在基阿迪尼(Giardini)的 中央展覽館(Central Pavilion)和阿賽奈爾(Arsenale)兩區舉 行,國家館部分共有八十八個國家參展,其中有十個國家是第一 次參與,例如巴哈馬、科威特、馬爾地夫、象牙海岸等國。國際展 覽部分的作品包含來自37個國家共150多位藝術家。除了兩個 主要展覽區域,許多來自世界國際都市的國家美術館也在威尼 斯大街小巷推出特別展覽或是相關藝術活動,當你按圖索驥的 將威尼斯雙年展大大小小的展覽館都走過一回時,也不知不覺 的飽覽了威尼斯的人文風情。


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