2017年11月27日,英國泰特現代美術館舉辦了英國迄今最全面的莫迪里阿尼作品展《莫迪里阿尼》,展出的作品包括其最具標誌性的肖像畫、雕塑及英國迄今最大規模的裸體畫像。這次展覽展出約100件作品,重新評估了這位為人熟悉的藝術家,用全新的方式看待他所采用的實驗手法,而正是這些手法成就了他的事業,並使他成為二十世紀最偉大的藝術家之一。 該展覽以藝術家到達巴黎為起點,探討了對其生活和作品起到重要影響的創新環境和流行文化元素。受保羅·塞尚、亨利·德·圖盧茲-羅特列克和帕布洛·畢加索的啟發,莫迪裏阿尼開始實驗並形成自己獨特的視覺語言。該展覽也重新審視了莫迪裏阿尼藝術實踐中的女性角色,尤其是其中一位重要女性——詩人和作家碧翠絲·海斯丁斯。 莫迪裏阿尼的裸體畫像是本次展出的重頭戲。在這些令人驚異的作品上,莫迪裏阿尼發明了全新的構圖法,並使具象繪畫得以現代化。共有包括《坐姿裸體像(1917)》和《倚姿裸體像(1919)》在內的十幅裸體作品被展出,這是歷史上英國展出該藝術家作品最多的一次。
Tate Modern stages the most comprehensive Modigliani exhibition ever held in the UK, bringing together a dazzling range of his iconic portraits, sculptures and the largest ever group of nudes to be shown in this country. Including almost 100 works, the exhibition Modigliani re-evaluates this familiar figure, looking afresh at the experimentation that shaped his career and made Modigliani one of the greatest artists of the twentieth century.
A section devoted to Modigliani’s nudes is a major highlight. In these striking canvases Modigliani invented shocking new compositions that modernised figurative painting. A group of 10 nudes will be the largest group ever seen in the UK, with paintings including Seated Nude (1917) and Reclining Nude(1919).
The exhibition begins with the artist’s arrival in Paris, exploring the creative environments and elements of popular culture that were central to his life and work. Inspired by the art of Paul Cézanne, Henri Toulouse-Lautrec and Pablo Picasso, Modigliani began to experiment and develop his own distinctive visual language. The exhibition is also reconsidered the role of women in Modigliani’s practice, particularly an important figure -poet and writer Beatrice Hastings.
The exhibition concludes with some of Modigliani’s best-known depictions of his closest circle. Friends and lovers provided him with much-needed financial and emotional support during his turbulent life while also serving as models. Jeanne Hébuterne, the mother of Modigliani’s child and one of the most important women in his life. When Modigliani died in 1920 from tubercular meningitis, Jeanne tragically committed suicide. Tate Modern brings together several searching portraits of her from Modgliani’s final years, which depict her in a range of guises from young girl to mother.