Shakespeare’s Globe is delighted to welcome back two Chinese companies from the hugely successful Globe to Globe festival of international Shakespeare this summer. From 20 to 25 July, the National Theatre of China will perform their Richard III in Mandarin. Then from 17 to 23 August, the Tang Shu-wing Theatre Studio from Hong Kong will stage their brand new production of Macbeth in Cantonese. Both productions will have scene synopses in English.
In 2012, the Globe invited theatre companies from around the world to stage all 37 of Shakespeare’s works in 37 different languages for the Globe to Globe festival, part of the Cultural Olympiad. Since then, foreign companies have been invited back each summer to perform Shakespeare’s work in their own languages.
Following their first visit to the UK during the 2012 festival, the National Theatre of China will once again present their Richard III in Mandarin. Despite the company losing all their intricate, colourful costumes in a cargo container en route to the UK, the show was described as ‘spellbinding’ by The Arts Desk and received a four-star review from The Guardian. This time in full costume, Shakespeare’s ghoulish horrorshow of power and paranoia will play four performances only from Monday 20 July.
Described as the ‘alchemist of minimalist theatre’, Hong Kongs Tang Shu-wing Theatre Studio works with pared-back staging, voice and movement to release the energies of classic texts. The company marked their first visit to the UK with a beautifully stylised interpretation of Shakespeare’s grisly tragedy Titus Andronicus as part of the Globe to Globe festival; they return on Monday 17 August with the world premiere of their brand new production of Macbeth.
莎士比亞環球劇場在今年夏天將上演兩家中國劇團的作品,這兩家中國公司都曾在莎士比亞國際環球藝術節(Globe to Globe)上取得了非同凡響的成功。2015年7月20日到25日,中國國家話劇院將在此上演普通話版的《理查三世》。8月17日至8月23日,來自香港的鄧樹榮戲劇工作室也將會演出其全新的作品──粵語版的《麥克白(Macbeth)》。兩部作品同樣都會有英文字幕提示。
繼2012年藝術節期間首次訪問英國,中國國家話劇院將再次以普通話來呈現《理查三世》。儘管異彩紛呈的服裝道具在運往英國的途中丟失,但是那次演出仍然被《藝術臺(The Arts Desk)》描述為“引人入勝”的演出,並且得到了《衛報(The Guardian)》的四星好評。而2015年的此次演出,服裝道具都一併到位,原汁原味地向觀眾呈現莎士比亞這部權力與猜忌的驚情之作。
香港的鄧樹榮戲劇工作室被譽為“極簡戲劇的鍊金士”,其作品舞臺極簡,音效極簡,動作極簡,以此來釋放經典文本的能量。劇團在環球藝術節期間首次到訪英國時,以美輪美奐的表演,詮釋了莎士比亞的經典悲劇《泰特斯·安德洛尼克斯(Titus Andronicus)》。此次他們將於8月17日帶著他們的全新作品《麥克白》的全球首演再次歸來。
Tips 小貼士
演出場地:Shakespeare’s Globe 莎士比亞環球劇場
演出時間:20.07.2015-2507.2015, 17.08.2015 – 23.08.2015