
Silk Road

1.Resource- CAEG      Resource- CAEG


Staged by one of China’s most influential performance companies, this modern version of China’s most eminent piece of historical dance-theatre comes to London following 34 years of performances across the world. Already performed in 30 countries and 400 cities to audiences of more than four million, most recently at New York’s Lincoln Center, this vibrant performance depicts a story of peace and friendship between Chinese merchants and foreign traders.

Inspired by the landscape of the North Western China’s Silk Road and the early Dunhuang murals and performed by a 47 strong ensemble, this exotic tale, one of China’s most significant dance productions, merges Chinese classical and modern foreign dance, ancient folk songs and dazzling costumes.


被譽為“中國第一舞劇”的《絲路花雨》將在2014 年新年伊始造訪倫敦。首創於1979年,經過三十 幾年的錘煉磨合,曾在全世界30余個國家400多 個城市演出多達2000余場。該劇被譽為東方藝 術的奇葩,並被作為20世紀中國舞蹈經典劇之 作,載入中華民族藝術史冊。

《絲路花雨》作為中國對外文化集團推出的“中 華風韻”系列演出活動的一部分,是“中國文化走 出去”的重要品牌。《絲路花雨》在中國新年即將 到來之際,為異國觀眾帶來了一抹東方味道,更 是希望通過“絲綢之路”的良好寓意,祝福中西經 濟交流的友好和共贏,文化交流的開明和繁榮。


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