Theatre is a collection of many art forms. Through a comprehensive presentation, we could deeply feel the blending and collision of various art forms, like literature, dance, performing art, music, visual arts and etc. The development of British theatre occupies an important place worldwide, while its vigorous development momentum is also leading the trend of world theatre.
In this issue, we have invited PERFORMANCE INFINITY, a UK art consultant in performance art, for a special feature on contemporary British theatre, mainly focusing on ‘New Writing’ in London Theatres as a clue to discover contemporary theatres in London and drama creation.
在這期雜誌中,我們有幸邀請到在英國表演藝術諮詢機構PERFORMANCE INFINITY來和我們一起為大家呈現英國當代戲劇創作與劇院信息的一期專題內容,本期雜誌主要著力于介紹倫敦劇場“新寫作”,以此為線索來為大家揭開倫敦當代劇場和戲劇創作的帷幕一角。