
The Master and Margarita

Like a scanned image on Google map, Moscow under Stalin’s rule is projected onto the bare wall of the theater. Flurry dancing souls in this strange space makes a devil’s party. Soviet Russian writer and playwright Mikhail Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita is staged by the UK’s leading contemporary director Simon McBurney. A remarkable re-creation, a fantasy world unfolds at the Barbican theatre. Exquisite images, simple stage, vivid puppetry and spectacular lighting bring this complex fiction to the stage. The Moscow atheist and the Holy City of Jerusalem interweave on the stage, pouring out the eternal themes of body and soul, sin and punishment, love and hate. A masterpiece
of contemporary performance in the UK, The Master and Margarita is well deserved.

斯大林時期的莫斯科就像Google地圖的掃瞄影像,整座城市被投射到 了劇場裡裸露的後牆上, 亂舞的靈魂發在這個奇異的空間裡,彷彿是一 次惡魔的聚會 。俄羅斯小說家、劇作家布爾加科夫(Mikhail Bulgakov)的 《大師與瑪格麗特(The Master and Margarita)》被英國當代傑出的導 演西蒙·麥克伯尼(Simon McBurney)搬上了舞台,一次非凡的再創造, 一個奇幻的世界就這樣在巴比肯的戲劇廳裡展開了。精妙的影像、簡潔 的舞台、生動的偶戲和具有多維空間體現力的燈光構想將這部人物繁 多、情節交錯的小說靈巧地“翻譯”到了舞台上,那個堅信無神論的莫斯 科和聖城耶路撒冷在舞台縱橫交錯,講述着靈與肉、罪與罰、愛與恨的 永恆主題。若在英國要推選出一部屬於當代的舞台傑作,《大師與瑪格 麗特》當之無愧。

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演出場地:Barbican Centre 巴比肯藝術中心




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