
Einstein on the Beach

In 1976, the era with rock, marijuana and drugs, Philip Glass and Robert Wilson met at their best age, and a historic work-Einstein on the Beach-was born at the Brooklyn Academy of Music in New York. At that time, the play was hard to understand and even caused many debates. What on earth is this work? Yet its extraordinary significance remains till today. 36 years later, it starts its world tour from the Barbican Theatre in May 2012.

1976年,在那個還留有搖滾、大麻、毒品餘溫的年 代,菲利普•格拉斯(Philip Glass)與羅伯特•威爾遜 (Robert Wilson)相逢在他們最美好的青春年代,一 部具有歷史意義的作品誕生在紐約的布魯克林音樂 學院。《沙灘上的愛因斯坦》橫空出世,幾乎沒有誰看 懂了這部歌劇,人們為此爭論不休,這究竟是一部怎 樣的作品?36年後,這部在演出史上具有非凡意義的 作品開始了世界巡演,2012年5月登上了倫敦巴比肯戲 劇大廳(Barbican Theatre)。

Five-hour play Einstein on the Beach is like a long journey. Without the blunt narrative, music, dance combining with drama made audience of 36 years ago experience an unprecedented art. 36 years later, audience of today are still overwhelmed by such a contemporary work. The play drags loads of people to Barbican but occasional leaves occurred in the packed auditorium during the five hours play. Maybe audience’s patience is getting less and less. As part of the celebrations of 75th birthday of Philip Glass, it launches a new round of world tour. The two old friends, after so many years, get a reunion finally. What a play, on and off stage, isn’t it?

表演長達五小時的《沙灘上的愛因斯坦》像是一次漫 長的旅程。擺脫直白的敘事,音樂、舞蹈和戲劇融為一 體的表演形式讓36年前的觀眾覺得正在觀看一部前所 未有的藝術品,而36年後今日的看客覺得自己正在觀看 一部十分當代的作品。巴比肯依舊因為這部作品而爆 棚,只是在五小時之後,原本座無虛席的觀眾席零零星 星有了空缺。或許36年後的今天,觀眾的耐心不及當年 了。這部製作龐大的經典之作,是作為格拉斯先生為期 一年的75歲生日慶典活動而展開的新一輪全球巡演。 兩位闊別多年的青春友伴,在多年之後又是一次重逢, 可謂台上台下都是戲。

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演出場地:Barbican Centre 巴比肯藝術中心

更多信息: event-detail.asp?ID=11928



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