

無以言表: 倫敦藝術大學切爾西學院藝術系研究生群展

Unreadable: Group show of UAL Chelsea College MFA students


展期 | Date:2015.7.1-7.7 | 1st – 7th July, 2015

地点 | Add:伦敦盤古大陸雕塑空間 | Pangaea Sculpture Space, 43-45 Gransden Avenue, London, E8 3QA

开幕 |Opening: 2015.7.4 16:00-20:00 | 4-8pm, 4th July, 2015

策展人 | Curator:秦文娟 | Chun Man Kuen Angel (MA, Courtauld Institute of Art, UoL)

参展艺术家 | Artists:郭凱、吳博、楊暢、周圓、喬吉娜·霍奇森 (Georgina Hodgson)、史蒂芬·軒尼詩 (Stephen Hennessy)、金珉慧 (Min Hae Kim)、鄭尚燮 (Sang Sub Jung)、田山真理 (Mari Tayama) 及畢揚·丹斯曼徳 (Bijan Daneshmand)



Presented by ten UAL Chelsea College MFA students collectively, Unreadable will be held from 1 – 7 July 2015 in Pangaea Sculpture Space in East London. This students’ group show connects ten students from various countries, including Georgina Hodgson and Stephen Hennessy from Britain; Guo Kai, Wu Bo, Yang Chang and Zhou Yuan from China; Min Hae Kim and Sang Sub Jung from Korea; Tayama Mari from Japan and Bijan Daneshmand from Iran. This exhibition explores the different possibilities of interpretation and embodiment of the given theme “Unreadable” by artists from diverse backgrounds, //and their effect on each others under the process of collective art making. The experimental format will be a key feature of this exhibition. Different from normal student group shows in which ready works are displayed, the ten artists will create simultaneously their artwork on-site based on the theme Unreadable in the first three days of the exhibition (1 – 3 July). This process will be recorded into video and played in the private viewing at 4 – 8pm, Saturday 4 July. Interviews about artists’ statements will be played next to their individual finished works on display from 4 – 7 July as part of the artwork and further elaboration of artists’ interpretations and practices. Viewers are welcomed to visit anytime during the seven days to witness this exciting process of creation and cultural collision.


由十個倫敦藝術大學切爾西學院藝術系研究生共同呈獻,無以言表·Unreadable將由七月一日至七日假東倫敦的盤古大陸雕塑空間舉行。此學生群展聚集了十個來自不同國家及背景的藝術系研究生,包括來自中國的郭凱、吳博、楊暢、周圓;英國的喬吉娜·霍奇森 (Georgina Hodgson)和史蒂芬·軒尼詩 (Stephen Hennessy); 韓國的金珉慧 (Min Hae Kim), 鄭尚燮 (Sang Sub Jung)、日本的田山真理 (Mari Tayama) 及伊朗的畢揚·丹斯曼徳 (Bijan Daneshmand) 。此展覽旨在探究出身於不同背景的藝術家對同一命題作出解讀與闡釋的各種可能性。有別於一般的學生群展,其頗具實驗性質的展覽形式將是一大亮點。在七天展期中,這十個倫藝藝術系研究生將圍繞命題無以言表/Unreadable”進行一次限時的“集體的個人創作” —— 在展覽的前三天,藝術家將齊聚展覽場地進行各自的創作,其過程將被錄影並成為展覽的一部分,於七月四日下午4至8點於在預展中公開放映。完成作品則將從七月四日下午至七月七日與其作者的自述訪談共同陳列和播放。別開生面地引入了限時”及在地”這兩個元素,無以言表·Unreadable也期望探索藝術家們在同一時空中創作,從而產生的相互影響及作用,以及這種自然而然的反應如何激發他們別樣的、偶發的創作靈感,並達致比一般群展更獨特的協同作用。為期七天的展覽,包括前三天的創作期及後四天的展期均開放予觀眾參觀。Unreadable誠邀各位共同見證這場文化碰撞及當代藝術盛宴。


Edited by Qiwen Ke


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