
第五期 ISSUE5
每期專題|Special Feature

As the first bilingual contemporary art magazine dedicated to bringing together the world of art in the UK and China, ART.ZIP creates a space for all from different cultural backgrounds to discuss or provide their interpretations on contemporary art and cultural events. We periodically invite professionals from UK and China to contribute to our magazine.

For this September issue, our first special edition, we are pleased to invite two London- based guest editors, Monica Chung, international contemporary art consultant and Dr. Trish Lyons, artist and writer, Head of Research, School of Fine Art, Royal Collage of Art.

Having worked on this special edition for almost a year, we are grateful for the care and insight these two professionals have brought to ART.ZIP. Chung and Lyons have carefully selected topics with a Chinese audience in mind, exploring the gaps and cultural issues between the UK and China.

ART.ZIP雜誌作為一個文化交流平台其宗旨就是希望更多的中英兩地的文化界人士通過雜誌來溝通 彼此理念,展現不同文化背景下對於當代藝術和文化事件的解讀和討論,因此,ART.ZIP雜誌會不 定期邀請中英兩地的知識界精英深入地參與到雜誌內容的建設中來,本年度9月刊的特別專刊便是 雜誌邀請資深國際當代藝術收藏顧問Monica Chung和英國皇家藝術學院研究部主管Trish Lyons博 士作為我們的特約編輯為大家帶來一期別具一格的ART.ZIP。

與Monica和Trish的合作開始於一年前,在這期間這兩位特約編輯為這期特別的雜誌付出了大量的 時間和精力,精心組織了充滿趣味的內容,隨着合作的不斷深入,內容的安排和甄選也逐漸清晰, 從開始以城市為背景的宏大主題敘事模式調整為更為個人化和精神化的文化討論,同時,作為兩位 英國知識分子,她們挑選了一些針對於中國讀者和知識層的話題與大家分享,希望以此為契機將中 英文化交流中產生的問題和現象展現給大家。


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