Text Photo by Elaine Yu
The Chinese Contemporary Porcelain art exhibition celebrated its opening ceremony in British museum on 18th November, the show is curated by Chen HaiBo, Director of Chinese Cultural Media Group. 27 art works from 18 Chinese artists are exhibited in the show. The visiting artists are primarily renowned Chinese academia born in the 60s. The show reflected the multi-dimension of blossoming Chinese contemporary art scenes since the 80s, while showcased traditional eastern philosophy with modern thinking.
11月18日下午,文化部中國文化傳媒集團陳海波先生策展的新瓷,中國當代藝術陶瓷特展於大英博物館開幕。 本次展覽公帶來18位中國藝術家27件作品。隨行藝術家主要是60年代生國家級獲獎藝術家,他們即反映了80年代至今中國藝術創作的多樣化,欣欣向榮,又傳播了傳統東方哲學與新思潮。

Colour Gamur Series: handbags by Lu Yunhua
One of the most eye catching porcelain work are the shoes and handbags of Lu YunHua. Lu wants to create art works that is close to everyday life. He uses propylene to draw colourful oriental-style patterns on these 15cm high-heeled shoes. With the integration of western and Chinese styles, the artist shows off both a keen appreciation of the respectful cultures and a strong sense of self.
展覽上最吸引眼球的藝術作品之一要數陸雲華的摩登高根鞋和手提包。 陸雲華希望展現一些靠近生活的作品。此次帶來的作品裏,他將充滿中國元素的圖騰撒布在陶藝作品上。 這些15厘米高的高根鞋,與精致的手提袋,仿佛是櫥窗裏可以看到的商品, 即刻便可擁有、 攜帶, 然而他們卻是可遠觀不可褻玩的燒陶。
When we look at Zhu Zhechi’s porcelain work from afar, it was like a combination of Picasso and Henry Moore. Early Zhu’s work was close to Picasso’s style, and similar to Henry Moore, he likes to express his art with motif of land, and motherly love. In recent years, Zhu has exceeded the boundaries of the West and excel his artistic style with traditional Chinese media. His porcelain work ‘Remote Dream’ strikes to viewer as a dead wood, or a twisted worm hole. As the light of our memory fades into darkness, the fervent passion of youth shines strong. The glazed finish and soft moulding techniques aim to capture this sense of nostalgia for the past.
Wang Zhiwen is a renowned Chinese art master, he is famous for his porcelain art work and miniature calligraphy. Wang combines traditional Chinese calligraphy and ink art with porcelain art creation. Wang Zhiwen’s calligraphy holds beautiful structures and forms, while his ink art often reflects the metaphysically meanings behind the literatures. Under the magnifying glass, each Chinese words exhibits its unique and implacable character. At this exhibition, Wang brings us a porcelain Vase showing the miniature calligraphy and a landscape painting inspired by the Art of War of Sun Bin. Wang marries Chinese ancient literature with traditional Chinese art, his art work transcends media and form.
來自廣東的王芝文是中國工藝美術大師,他以陶藝與微書聞名 ,將中國傳統書法與水墨山水融於陶瓷中。王芝文的微書作品架構格局精妙,配合文學作品的形而上,或氣勢磅礴,或淡泊隨性。而通過放大鏡看到的每一個字都深具匠心。本次參展的作品為撰有孫子兵法的微書以及受其啟發而作的山水畫的瓷瓶。以及以牡丹為題材作詩的瓷碟。王芝文 作品將古典文學與藝術融合,經得起細細把玩與體味。
Water time is a purple vase from the ‘water time’ series of Donghua University Proessor Zhao Qiang. By skillfully arranging the relationship between image and space, Zhao Qiang has created an open and receptive feeling for this porcelain vase. The combination of traditional Chinese and modern painting, along with the integration of lines and glazed colour, creates a rich and lasting visual effect.
東華大學教授趙強帶來水色年華作品系列中的紫色瓷瓶。瓷瓶上的畫作如俯視大地所見之山巒河流,而強弱線條間勾勒出不同人體,軀體間的制約,聯系,與水乳交融。趙強的作品涵蓋了古典與現代美術技法,通過明暗 與瓷器本身光澤制造出的視覺效果別具禪意。
Zhu Jianan is the only artist coming from JingDeZhen, the cradle of all China. He speaks with a spiritual elegance from the Jiangxi ancient town, illuminating the intersection of truth between Chinese culture, Art and Zen. Fairy Tale is an art work that does not need reasons, or specific explanation. While it gives birth to life beyond form. “It’s not even a perfect craft — it is full of flaws”. Says Zhu JiaAn, “But in my mind, it’s a perfect art work, and I think it’s enough.”
朱建安是唯一位來自景德鎮的藝術家。與他交談仿佛能感到江西古鎮的靈氣,國學,藝術,與禪宗終極真理的交匯點。童話是一件不需要原因,與任何固定註解的作品。他充滿無須形格的萌動。“他甚至不是一件完美的燒陶–他上面充滿瑕疵。”朱建安說, “但是,我認為他是一件完美的藝術品,那就夠了。”