Silk Roads
絲綢之路長幾許? ——大英博物館特展《八方絲路:萬里共芳華》
Silk Roads British Museum 26 September 2024 – 23 February 2025 絲綢之路,從小學起就學過,知道它蜿蜒曲折,是中西方交流貿易的重要通道。但是絲綢之路到底延伸到哪裡?絲綢之路連接了哪些地方,又帶來了多大的影響?大英博物館特展《八方絲路:萬里共芳華》一一為觀眾呈現了出來。 The Silk Road is something we have learned about since primary school—its winding, meandering path, and its role as an important route for trade and cultural exchange between East and West. But where exactly does the Silk Road extend? What places does …