
活動策劃 | Executive-Events

Amazing China

2.10.-5.10.2020 at 71Duke street London Breaks Through the COVID-19 Shadows, Themed Exhibition “Amazing China” held in London As one of the themed programmes during London Craft Week (LCW), “Amazing China” opens on October 2nd on 71 Duke Street, a popular business area in London. The exhibition is hosted by National Base for International Cultural Trade


2015年新春之際,在中國農曆新年的大年初二, 英國華人藝術協會與全球音樂與藝術融合慈善基金會共同攜手在歷史悠久的倫敦查爾頓莊園舉辦了大型迎春慶祝活動, 其中包括了英國中樂團的演出以及持續一個月時間的大型中國旅英藝術家群展《西遊新記》。值得一提的是,


Originated from Ancient Greece, flourished in Europe and become popular in the whole world, Olympic culture has become part of the civilization of human being. That’s to say, Olympic culture comes from the west. Since the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the motto “Faster, Higher, Stronger” has deeply rooted in the hearts of Chinese people. In

Graphic Playground

20110721 平面遊樂場 Graphic Playground   從古騰堡發明印刷機以來,我們的世界發生了翻天覆地的變化。當下, 隨著信息科技的發展和普及,越來越多的傑出設計師和藝術家們通過平面設計的手段來表達他們的理念,運用雜誌,網站等多樣的媒體來表達他們對於生活的理解。 不 可否認,平面設計師的工作是嚴肅而精密的,但同時他們的作品也為我們的日常生活帶來了無窮的樂趣和驚喜。此次參加展覽的設計師和藝術家們相信,平面設計可 以用輕鬆愉快的方式來表達自我,也可以為我們的生活增添樂趣。這些年輕人將他們的熱情和智慧運用於各種媒介,致力於打造一個充滿探索精神和趣味橫生的平面 遊樂園。   The world has undergone tremendous change since the groundbreaking invention of Gutenberg-style printing. For graphic design, in the era of rapid development of technology, printing is no longer the only way for presentation, multi-media has been widely adopted by designers and artists apart


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