

Marc Quinn: Under the Skin (1)
馬克·奎恩:皮相之下 (上)

CAFA Art Museum, Beijing, will present a selection of the work of the acclaimed British artist Marc Quinn this March. One of the leading artists of his generation, Quinn’s work explores recurring themes of art and science; the human body; emotion; and the perception of beauty. For the artist’s first solo museum exhibition in China, works have been drawn from across his 30-year career and from multiple series, exploring his enduring interest in identity.

Unstable Media: A Conversation with Art Curator Hannah Redler

Interviewed and text by 採訪及撰文 x Nils Jean 尼爾斯·吉恩 Translated by 翻譯 x Cai Sudong 蔡蘇東   Hannah Redler is a curator of cross-disciplinary projects between art, photography, science and technology. Prior to her current role as associate art curator for the Open Data Institute, Hannah was Head of Science Museum Arts Programme from 2005-2014.

Frieze London and Masters 2016

Text by Jesc Bunyard Edited and Translated by Michelle Yu Image Courtesy of Frieze Yes, it’s that time again. Time for the madness of Frieze, when the London art calendar lurches into life and everyone heads for the Regent’s Park. 是的,一年一次的Frieze又來了,日曆上滿滿的藝術活動,安排不過來,也看不過來,但大家一定都會湧向Regent’s Park的Frieze Art Fair。 In addition to the Live section, which is always a firm

V&A in China

Interview with Tim Reeve, Deputy Director of the V&A 專訪V&A副館長蒂姆·里夫 . Interviewed and text by x 採訪及撰文 Li Bowen 李博文 Edited by x 編輯 Michelle Yu 余小悅 Nicolas Anderson 尼古拉斯·安德森 . China Merchants Shekou Holdings (CMSK), in association with founding partner the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A), has announced the brand—DESIGN SOCIETY 「设计互联」— a new cultural


Interview with Co-founder of Euroart Studios Lorraine Clarke 專訪歐藝術工作室聯合創辦人、藝術家羅琳·克拉克   TRANSLATED BY 翻譯 x Harry Liu 劉競晨 PHOTOGRAPHED BY 攝影 x Syndi Huang 黃煥欣 IMAGE COURTESY BY 圖片提供 x Lorraine Clarke 羅琳·克拉克 Lorraine Clarke (ARBS) is a London based artist whose work expresses a burgeoning interest in the human body, from the tremendous impact of

02 Stop. Sir John Soane’s Museum

倫敦的生活豐富多彩,如果不好好整理每個月的日程,你又會錯過一個浪漫的夜晚。 約翰·索恩爵士博物館(Sir John Soane Museum)每個月都會舉辦一次“燭光之夜”(Candlelight),只有200名的限額。其實在我首次參觀約翰·索恩爵士的私人收藏時,我就知道了這個活動,但“下次”總是很好的搪塞了我的惰性。而當再次從Nicola(Persephone Books)口中聽到對它的大力讚賞時,我便下決心把“下次”提上我的日程。 儘管我與Michelle提前40分鐘抵達,但還是排到了100人開外,這熱度可想而知。在6點左右門衛會開始發放通行證,沒拿到手的只能等下次了。在又經過了1個多小時等待後,“博物館奇妙夜”才算正式開始。這裡我只會提及我最鍾愛的部分,為打算去的朋友們留些懸念。 黑夜,總有一絲窺視的意味,燭光下的藏品並沒有像日光下展示來的那樣直接,卻是多了些許神秘。 我們走進一個迴廊,月光透過屋頂透明玻璃,映襯著最底層的石棺,石棺內側佈滿了圖案,微弱的燭光下它並不是那般清晰。石棺旁的桌台上有一張便條……此般靜謐而又詭異的氛圍,令我完全陶醉在考古學家的角色扮演中。其中有趣的是,當年這具石棺價值2000磅,因為昂貴的費用大英博物館(British Museum)把石棺拒之門外,於是1824年約翰·索恩爵士把它收入自家宅邸並連著舉辦了3天盛大的晚宴,這足以證明他強大的財力與對文物的狂熱。 雖然只有微弱的燭光,但他們對於宅邸的裝飾卻是細節滿滿。順帶一提,除了藏品外我有註意到每個房間都會被擺上一種干的植物作裝飾?看起來十分的襯景,只是不知道是什麼罷了。                                                                                        


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