

Beyond New Media Art

Text by 撰文 x Li Bowen 李博文   Like other books of similar titles – and the overwhelming abundance of publications as such in recent years is already a very telling fact – Domenico Quaranta attempts in the Beyond New Media Art  to define New Media Art in a clear, honest and innovative fashion, against

A Brief History of Curating

An interesting attempt, through a number of interviews with veteran curators Hans Ulrich Obrist drafts in this book a deliberately fragmentary history of curating, full of amusing stories and anecdotes. The form of this peculiar book is outstandingly interesting, resonating with many philosophical and literary thematics of import.

Theatre & the Visual

Text by: Li Bowen / 撰文:李博文 “By questioning the primacy of the text, in wordless, visual interruptions, the theatre draws on the legacies of the avant-garde attack on the senses. By bridging the visual and the textual in confrontational ways, theatre perhaps appears more readily as a mode of production that reflects the cultural, political, and


Playhouse Theatre, Northumberland Ave, London, WC2N 5DE Until 23 August 2014

Disobedient Objects

TEXT BY文字提供:ART.ZIP IMAGES COURTESY OF 圖片提供:V&A MUSEUM 維多利亞及阿爾伯特博物館 The V&A will this summer present the first exhibition to explore objects of art and design from around the world that have been created by grassroots social movements as tools of social change. From Chilean folk art textiles that document political violence to a graffiti-writing robot, defaced

Ming: 50 years that changed China

TEXT BY文字提供:ART.ZIP IMAGES COURTESY OF 圖片提供:BRITISH MUSEUM 大英博物館 In September 2014 the British Museum will stage a major exhibition on a golden age in China’s history--Ming:50 Years That Changed China. The exhibition will explore the years 1400 – 1450, a pivotal 50 year period that transformed China during the rule of the Ming dynasty. In


TEXT BY文字提供:ART.ZIP IMAGES COURTESY OF 圖片提供:HAYWARD GALLERY 海沃德畫廊 Spanning the past 25 years, The Human Factor will bring together major works by 25 leading international artists who have fashioned new ways of using the figure in contemporary sculpture. In addressing the body, the most frequently revisited subject in art’s history, these artists confront the question

11 Course Leaders: 20 Questions

11 Course Leaders: 20 Questions – A collection of Interviews with 11 London BA Fine Art Course Leaders 《倫敦藝術課程主任二十問》 Text by: Peng Zuqiang 撰文: 彭祖強 . There seems to be a rather redundant amount of discussion on the future of art education at a higher level. During the age of crisis, one of the most

Ana Mendieta: Traces
安娜·门迪耶塔 :痕迹

Hayward Gallery, Southbank Centre 24 September – 15 December 2013 . 在古巴出生,而在美国长大的艺术家Ana Mendieta 的很多作品有着清晰简洁的语言,以及直接的呈现方式。在名为Body Track的作品里, Mendieta用沾满血渍的双手,在墙面上一气呵成的勾画出女体的轮廓。这也成为了Mendieta相当经典的一幅作品。在Body Track的系列里既有影像记录,也有不同规格形状的‘血渍绘画’。视频的记录多不过一分钟,一个动作,清晰明了。而被画框框住的‘绘画’,因血液和蛋彩的结合,而保存下了醒目的颜色。血液的运用也与Mendieta作品中另外的一个题材有关联,那就是唤起大众对 针对女性的暴力事件的关注。 在几幅名为‘Re-enact Rape’的表演作品中。Mendieta复制了女性因强奸事件而丧命的现场, 她把自己裹在沾有血渍的布料里。 Mendieta的作品往往带有一种‘即时性’。而这样一个特点则是贯穿于她的诸多表演行为之中。早期的Mendieta用自己的身体作为媒介来探索肉身和自然的互动。展览中诸多并排陈列的电视屏幕,播放的是一系列Mendieta在不同自然背景下的行为:森林,海滩,古迹。这一系列的‘Earth-Body’作品,展现的是Mendieta对人与自然关系的不断探索。 Mendieta一直被南美洲的历史与文化深深吸引,尤其是对墨西哥的一些宗教历史有着兴趣。在一系列的身体行为里,也有着将南美的‘原始’元素和西方宗教题材结合的部分。这与Mendieta的多重身份息息相关,年少时期就被送往美国接受教育,Mendieta因此有着天主教背景的成长环境。 这样个人背景在他的雕塑与行为中充分展现,但同时也不禁让人发觉,Mendieta的作品能在美感上获得诸多西方观众和藏家的欢迎。其一方面满足了他们对异域神秘文化的猎奇,另一方面作品中西方宗教的元素也会让观者有可以联系参考的内容。但Mendieta并没有把自我身份作为作品的卖点。同样是运用宗教元素。Mendieta在 名为‘Fireworks’影像里,拍摄的是一个被点燃了的女体木质轮廓,这样的场景也不难让人想起中世纪欧洲宗教中火烧异教徒的典故。 早期mendieta的作品多为表演行为,而记录这些行为也就成为了 Mendieta展览中很重要的一部分。 Mendieta自己也多次提到她的艺术中,作品呈现方式的重要地位。作为Mendieta在英国的迟来的第一场回顾展,Hayward Gallery展出了Mendieta多元的媒介记录方式:从更为常见的照片与super 8 电影,到少有展出的明信片和珍贵幻灯片。在领略到Mendtieda对记录与呈现作品的不断探索的同时,也可以看到策展人对展览模式的创新实验。在展览的最后一个空间里,有着用脚手架和地毯搭构成的观影空间。幕墙上播放着Mendieta70年代作品的幻灯片,而观者则可以两三成群的坐卧在看似粗略构造的“脚手架沙发上”。Hayward Gallery这样对观展模式的探索,强调了观者自身身体的现场感知,也算是对Mentieda传奇行为表演生涯的一次致敬。


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