Speaking of Bush Theatre, its famous neighbors are the first thing that comes to mind. Take British Broadcasting Corporation. Its acronym BBC definitely rings a bell, even if you are a newcomer. If the term shopaholic defines you, the local friends must have recommended Westfield, the massive shopping centre located on west side of London. Bush Theatre is in the same zone as BBC’s London Headquarter and Westfield, within just 10 minutes of walking distance from each of them. However, even if you have been here many times, or even live here, you may have hardly recognized Bush Theatre at the street corner. Hidden behind the trivial green-lettered signboard, such a lavish theatre may be the last thing people may expect to discover.
提起布什劇場,我總愛先提起它著名的鄰居們。即使 初來乍到,你也一定對BBC這個名字耳熟能詳。如果 你熱愛逛街,那當地的朋友肯定會推薦這個位於倫 敦西邊的西田大型購物中心(WESTFIELD)。布什劇 場就和BBC倫敦總部以及西田百貨同處一區,距兩者 各約10分鐘腳程。然而,你即使從此地經過多次,甚 至就住在附近,也許也很少會註意到位於街角的布什 劇場。誰會想到那個不起眼的綠色字母招牌下竟會 藏著這樣一個驚艷的劇場呢?
The origination of the name is a simple story. The Bush Theatre is based in Shepherd’s Bush, in west London, and the name is simply taken from its location. The former Bush was situated upstairs in a local public activity centre. It used to be the dance studio for Lionel Blair, English actor. Then, the bar downstair was expropriated, but Bush Theatre was retained. Climbing up the one-meter-wide stairs, you will see the ticketing desk, and located up one more level is the actual performance stage. With its popularity, the theatre only managed to squeeze eighty seats in the venue. In 2011, Bush Theatre was relocated to old Passmore Edwards Public Library, about 200 meters away from the original site. In celebration of the move, Bush Theatre launched the event “Sixty Six Books”, celebrating the 400th anniversary of the publication of King James Bible. Sixty-six writers were involved in the project, many of whom share an indissoluble bond with Bush. Similar to many other theatres in London, Bush shares its concern in the education and training of emerging young artists. The unique “Bushfutures” projects provide a variety of training opportunities for an array of different organizations.
布什劇場的名字來歷很簡單,因為地處倫敦西部 “Shepherd’s Bush” 地 區,所以就地得名。從前的布什坐落在當地一個公共活動中心的樓上,曾 經是英國演員萊昂內爾·布萊爾(Lionel Blair)的舞蹈工作室。後來,樓下 被酒吧征用,而布什劇場卻保留了下來。從樓下一米來寬的小門上樓梯, 來到票務臺,然後再上一層才是演出場地。即使布什劇場深受人們喜愛, 當時的劇場也最多只能安排80個座位。2011年,布什劇場終於搬到了距離 原址大約200米遠的舊帕斯莫爾·愛德華公共圖書館(Passmore Edwards Public Library)。為了慶祝這次搬家,布什開展了主題為英王欽定版聖經 (King James Bible)出版400周年慶典的展演活動“六十六本書(Sixty S i x B o o k s )” ,六 十 六 位 作 家 參 與 了 這 個 項 目 ,其 中 很 多 人 都 是 和 布 什 有 著 不解之緣。與倫敦很多劇場相似,布什也十分關注教育和青年藝術家的培 養。劇場獨創的“布什未來(Bushfutures)”項目為不同機構提供各種機會 的培訓。
Bush Theatre is never short of unreserved recommendations and praises from London theatricians and critics. Since its inception in 1972, Bush Theatre has established its significance as a theatre for new writing, both within Britain and around the globe. Works that originated here have received more than a hundred awards and honors. The majority of plays represented in Bush Theatre is produced by their own team, and when conditions allow, the plays are toured around the country. Bush has its own professional literature team, dedicated to the discovery of excellent scripts from both professional and amateur playwrights. On average, the team receive about 1,500 scripts annually, and they strive to read and reply to all of them. With solid foundation of good scripts, the final representations are highly stylized with a distinct Bush signature. The word of mouths spreads, but in two directions. More specifically, the highly stylized nature is an assurance of their consistent quality, leading to a stable base of audiences. However, some colleagues critically see it as a disincentive for distinguishing characteristics, or even an incentive for playwrights to follow the preferences of the theatre. However the critical views are, Bush is deeply concerned with plays based on real life, adding a human touch that makes its plays more accessible to the general public. Amidst many small theatres in London that favour dark and obscure themes, Bush is like a breeze of refreshment. In English, the word “Bush” can also suggest shrub. Among the many theatres in London, the name Bush suggests its humbleness. Diminutive, yet evergreen. Maybe that is how the theatre sees itself.
在倫敦戲劇人對布什劇場的評價裡,充滿著絲毫不吝嗇的贊美。始建於 1972年的布什劇場,如今是英國,乃至世界重要的新寫作劇場之一。由它 制作的作品,獲獎已經超過三位數。布什主要上演自己制作的作品,同時 也在條件允許的情況下在英國境內巡演其作品。布什擁有一支專業的文 學團隊,全力挖掘各種背景的專業及非專業編劇的優秀作品,每年平均 收到1500部新人作品,且盡力做到全部閱讀並回復。在一個好劇本的基 礎上,最終呈現出具有強烈“布什色彩”的作品。這一點上,讓布什擁有了 一種很矛盾的口碑,一方面,這種風格讓布什擁有了很有保障的質量,觀 眾源也很穩定;另一方面,一些同行也詬病其扼殺了編劇特色,或者是有 意誘導編劇投其所好。可是無論怎樣,布什對現實生活題材作品的關注 讓它的作品十分有人情味,也較為被大眾接受。在倫敦偏黑暗晦澀風格 的小劇場中無疑是一屢清新。“Bush”在英語中為“灌木”的意思,在林立的 倫敦劇場裏,布什劇場的名字正體現著它的一種低調。雖然矮小,但是常 綠,也許正是布什給自己的定位吧。
As mentioned before, Bush is a new writing theatre that emphasizes scripts. Probably the most famous playwrights from Bush is Catherine Johnson, best known for her script for the musical Mamma Mia!. Many active British playwrights have an intertwined relationship with Bush Theatre.
如前文提到,布什是一家重視劇本的新寫作劇場。從布什出名的劇作家 裡最出名的也許就是《媽媽咪呀!(Mamma Mia!)》的作者卡洛琳·傑森 (Catherine Johnson)。另外,很多活躍於英國文壇的劇作家也和這裏 有著千絲萬縷的聯系。
The Masterclass, which focus on collaborated training, and the BushGreen platform, are the two most famous literature projects of Bush Theatre.
布什最具特色的文學項目有兩個:一個是聯合培養的大師班,一個是布 什綠色網絡平台(BushGreen platform)。
The Bush/Kudos Initiative is a creative partnership between Bush Theatre and Kudos Production Company. The Initiative accepts applications between March to June each year, and around ten writers participate the three-day masterclasses held in September, led by some of the most talented contemporary leading lights in the industry. Follow up activities will monitor the progress of these candidate writers. The Initiative expands the career path for emerging playwrights and screenwriters.
布什劇場和榮譽電影製作公司(Kudos Production Company)聯合創 新開展的作家培養計劃為英國的劇場和電視作品創作人士拓寬了職業道 路。具體的活動包括:大約十名作家參與每年九月為期三天由當代最具才 華的行業翹楚引導的大師班,之後相應的跟蹤活動會持續支持這十名作 家的進展。該活動從每年3月到6月接受申請。
There are three functions of BushGreen. First of all, it accepts play scripts, running on an online paperless platform, going green just as its name suggests. All plays are uploaded to the platform electronically for further reading. Secondly, it functions as a community of writers. Through the platform, writers can read others’ works, and get in touch with fellow writers and practitioners in the field. Thirdly, it reports on the recent progresses of other writing theatres.
布什綠色網絡平台的功能有三個,第一是接受劇作作品。和它的名字一 樣,這個網絡的運營也是綠色無紙化的,所有劇本都需要發送電子版到 這個平臺上接受下一步的閱讀。第二,是作家聯盟,通過這個論壇,你可 能閱讀他人作品,並認識更多其它作家和行業從業人士等。第三,就是接 受其它文學劇場的動態周報。
Bush Theatre has specific and concrete requirements for the selection of plays. For instance, it only accepts original writings, and excludes adaptations from other works. It only accepts full plays designed for an hour feature, or even longer duration. It prefers plays based on contemporary stories. The list goes on. Currently, Bush Theatre also accepts incomplete drafts, and encourage creative thinking for writers, in term of structure, forms, and theatre environment requirements. Works are uploaded to the platform, read by the internal literature team. This process taking about eight weeks and after which, the writer receives either notification of further development, or polite rejection. In the next stage, the creative team members, including the director, will read the script and communicate with the writer about potential modes of development. Even if the script does not fit the requirement for Bush Theatre, the team will give advices on the script and recommend it to other theatres.
布什劇場對於作品的選擇有著明確和詳細的要求。比如必須是新寫作, 不接受改編作品;比如只接受60分鐘以上的全本;傾向講述當今故事的 劇本等等。同時布什也接受沒有正式完成的草本,並且鼓勵作者在結構, 形式和劇場環境要求上的創新想法。作品傳到平臺上後會經過內部文學 隊伍的閱讀,這個階段大約為8周,之後,作者會接到進一步發展或者婉 拒的通知。在進一步發展的階段,導演等創作隊伍的成員會閱讀劇本,並 且和作者溝通可能地發展形式。即使劇目不合適布什的條件,也會被提 以忠建,推薦到其他劇場等。
There is no temporal restrictions on the acceptance of plays for Bush. The theatre receives works year round.
Madani Younis is the current Artistic Director of Bush Theatre. He was the Artistic Director of Freedom Studios in Bradford, Yorkshire. His works tend to be site-specific. He has also worked nationally and internationally as theatre director, writer and practitioner. His former employer, Freedom Studios, has collaborated with the Bush Theatre through workshops in 2010. Before working in theatres, he was trained in films, and his film was screened at the Cannes Film Festival. He is also the winner of 2006 Decibel Award at the South Bank Awards Show.
布什現任藝術總監馬達尼·尤尼斯(Madani Younis)曾擔任過英國布拉 德福德自由工作室(Freedom Studios)的藝術總監。他的作品傾向於場 地特殊性作品,他本人是一名全國性和國際性的戲劇導演、作家和劇場從 業者。他曾經的工作單位和布什劇場在2010年有過成功的項目合作。在 從事戲劇工作前,馬達尼接受的是電影方面的教育培訓。他的作品曾在戛 納電影節展播。馬達尼也是2006年南岸分貝獎(Decibel Award at the South Bank Awards show )的得主。
Bush Theatre receives its majority of funding through three sources, namely Arts Council of England, Hammersmith and Fulham Council, and Jerwood Charitable Foundation. Contributions from audiences and organizations also constitute a considerable portion of funding.
布什劇場的資金主要來源於三個途徑。第一是英国藝術委員会(Arts Council of England),當地區政府(Hammersmith & Fulham council) 還有傑伍德獨立慈善基金會(Jerwood Charitable Foundation)。一些 觀眾和組織的捐贈也是一筆可觀的資金。
As previously mentioned, the current site of Bush Theatre used to be a library. The leisure space of the theatre has a strong sense of “Book Nature”. When you walk into the “Library” door, the left-hand side has completely preserved the library’s book collection. However, in order to highlight the casual atmosphere of the theatre, this area is designed into a coffee store, with wooden sofa, cotton cushions and non-uniform patterns. If you arrive early for a play, you can simply sit down comfortably and read a chapter of some interesting stories. All plays produced by Bush can be found here, and some copies are even for sale. To the right of the gate is the bar area, with same wooden structure. Audiences can often find some rather less polished homemade desserts displayed on the counter. Located directly opposite the door is the box office. Given that name, it has no real box, and neither is it a real office. Rather, it is just an office desk, with free flyers for the programs, and copies of play program and scripts for sale. All you need to do is to give your name, and the staff will friendly hand you the printed tickets. To the right of the desk, you will inadvertently step into a theatrical stage. The open space is surrounded by three rows of audience seats that are retractable in order to accommodate a variety of spatial needs for different productions. Almost every play in Bush has slightly different seating configuration, and that makes you wonder if this is the first time that you visit the venue. Probably this is the allure of the theatre, that it allows the conversion of the same venue into different spaces. The rough brick walls kept the original appearance of the building, and at the same time highlight the theatrical style of Bush Theatre.
由於前文提到,布什劇場目前的地址為前圖書館,所以在休閑空間上有非 常濃厚的“書本屬性”。走進“圖書館”的大門,左手邊的區域完全保留了圖 書館的藏書,但是為了體現劇場的休閑氣息,這個區域被設置成了咖啡 館 的 樣 子 。木 質 的 沙 發 ,棉 布 的 靠 墊 ,不 統 一 的 樣 式 。如 果 來 早 了,完 全 可 以舒舒服服地坐下來讀一章有趣的故事。布什自己出品的所有劇本在這 裏也可以找到,有的還是出售的。大門右手區域是酒吧區,同樣是原木結 構。櫃臺上還經常擺放著制作略顯粗糙的家常點心。正對著門是票房。 作為BOX OFFICE這裏是即沒有BOX也不是OFFICE,只是一張辦公桌。上 面放著免費的節目宣傳頁,還有供出售的節目單和劇本。只需報上你的姓 氏,工作人員就會找到你訂好的票并友善地交給你。桌子的右側,不經意 間便步入一個戲劇的“場”。開放式的空間,被三組觀眾席圍合,伸縮式的 坐位便於劇場適應各種演出的空間需要。幾乎每一次布什的戲都有著略 有不同的觀眾席設置,有時候甚至讓你懷疑自己是不是來過這裡。這也許也是戲劇的魅力,把同一個場地轉換成了不同的空間。粗礪的磚墻保 持了建築的原貌,也凸顯著布什劇場的戲劇風格。
Theatre Menu is another worth-mentioning feature of Bush Theatre. When no plays are scheduled, the theatre is nothing but an ordinary coffee shop that opens business every morning, not so much different from the usual coffee shops. However, the distinction arises just before the show starts every night. Theatre Menu is curated in accordance with each specific show. If there is a new play every month, then the menu also changes every month. For instance, if the current play portrays the story of London Pakistani Muslims, the menu will include typical Pakistani dishes such as naan and different flavors of curries. The design of the Bush Menu is also interesting. The pages are marked not in numbers, but in terms of ACT ONE for the dish menu and ACT TWO for the wine list and so on, a humorous way to emphasize its theatrical features.
另外值得一提的是布什最新推出的“劇場菜單”。平時不演戲的時候,布什 劇場就是一個普通的咖啡館,從每天早上開始經營。和一般的咖啡館區 別不大。但是到了晚上開演之前就有了不同。布什推出了一種配合每次演 出的“劇場菜單”。如果每個月上一個新戲,這個菜單也每個月換一次。比 如這個月的演出是有關倫敦巴基斯坦裔穆斯林的故事,菜單就是很典型 的巴基斯坦菜肴,各式咖喱,饢等等。布什的菜單設計得也非常有趣,“第 一幕”就是“翻頁看菜單”,“第二幕”就是“看酒單”,十分幽默地強調著自己 的戲劇特色。