The Ashmolean opens its 2014 exhibitions programme with Cézanne and the Modern, the first European display of the Henry and Rose Pearlman Collection of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist art. It features fifty works by nineteen artists from Gustave Courbet to Jacques Lipchitz. The heart of the collection is twenty-four works by Cézanne: six oils; two drawings; and sixteen watercolours which constitute one of the finest and best-preserved groups of Cézanne watercolours in the world. They span the whole of the artist’s career from the 1870s up to the monumental Still Life with Carafe, Bottle, and Fruit made shortly before his death in 1906.
Cézanne and the Modern also explores the history of twentieth-century private collections of this type. Key to the Pearlman Collection is Henry Pearlman’s own tastes. He collected pictures and sculptures that he liked and his thrill at discovering unknown masterpieces is evident throughout. Star pictures include a colourful and unusual composition by Vincent Van Gogh, Tarascon Diligence (1888); Amedeo Modigliani’s celebrated portrait of Jean Cocteau (1916–17); and among the sculptures are three bronzes by Jacques Lipchitz and one by Wilhelm Lehmbruck; and an extraordinary painted relief, Te Fare Amu (1901-2) by Paul Gauguin.
Henry Pearlman (1895–1974) was a New York City businessman who founded his company, Eastern Cold Storage, in 1919. He began collecting European avant-garde art in 1945 when he bought a landscape by Chaïm Soutine. In the following thirty years, until the end of his life, Pearlman was a passionate collector, acquiring further works by Soutine and hunting down rare pieces by Impressionist and Post-Impressionist masters.
2014年3月阿什莫林博物館揭幕了新的展覽項目《塞尚與現代繪畫》,展覽第一次在歐洲展示了帕爾曼夫婦(Henry and Rose Pearlman)收藏的印象派和後印象派繪畫,這50件作品分別來自19位藝術家,其中包括了古斯塔夫·庫爾貝(Gustave Courbet)和雅克·里普希茨(Jacques Lipchitz)等人的作品。此次展覽的核心是保羅·塞尚(Paul Cézanne)的二十四件作品,其中16件水彩畫作品被認為是塞尚存世水彩畫中保存最為完好的一套,這套水彩畫見證了塞尚整個藝術生涯,包括了從19世紀70年代開始一直到他去世前不久創作的那些靜物繪畫。
《塞尚和現代繪畫》探討了二十世紀私人藝術收藏的歷史,亨利·帕爾曼(Henry Pearlman)的個人喜惡和審美品位是構成他收藏的關鍵,從他收集的作品中我們不難看出發掘未知藝術傑作的整個過程都給予了他極大的滿足感,這些作品中包括了梵高(Vincent Van Gogh),莫迪里阿尼(Amedeo Modigliani)和高更(Paul Gauguin)等人的作品。
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展覽時間:13.3.2014 – 22.6.2014
Read More:
* Ashmolean Press Release
* Cezanne and the Modern – Press Images
* Cezanne and the Modern – Press Information
* WhatsOnCurrent