The National Theatre’s highly acclaimed production, based on Mark Haddon’s award-winning novel, adapted by Simon Stephens and directed by Marianne Elliott makes ‘a triumphant West End transfer’ – Daily Telegraph.
Winner of seven 2013 Olivier Awards, including Best New Play, this thrilling new production has been hailed by The Times as ‘a phenomenal combincation of storytelling and spectacle.’
Christopher, fifteen years old, stands beside Mrs Shears’ dead dog. It has bezen speared with a garden fork, it is seven minutes after midnight and Christopher is under suspicion. He records each fact in the book he is writing to solve the mystery of who murdered Wellington. He has an extraordinary brain, exceptional at maths while ill-equipped to interpret everyday life. He has never ventured alone beyond the end of his road, he detests being touched and he distrusts strangers. But his detective work, forbidden by his father, takes him on a frightening journey that upturns his world.
Lighting and special effects will be adapted for the performance, such as removing strobes and flashing lights and reducing very loud noises; and additional audience movement and interaction will be expected. Parts of the Apollo Theatre foyer will be available as a quiet space to relax for those who need to leave and re-enter the auditorium during the show. After the performance, the audience will be welcome to stay for a ‘Question and Answer’ session with the actors who will be in costume but out of character.
《深夜小狗離奇事件》改編自馬克·海登(Mark Haddon)的同名暢銷 小說,在英國國家劇院演出時便受到觀眾和劇評人的一致好評。本年 初,該劇一舉奪得7項奧利弗大獎(Olivier Awards),轉至西區後征服 了更多的觀眾。這部作品故事情節其實非常簡單:一個特別有數學天 分的自閉症小男孩生活在他孤獨的世界裏,忽然有一天,發生了一樁 小狗謀殺案,為了洗清自己的嫌疑,他開始了一次偵探旅程。在偵查過 程中,他卻發現了一個更大的秘密,這個秘密也改變了他的一生……
雖然故事似乎沒有什麽特別,但是原著中通過自閉症兒童特殊的世界 觀和視角來描述整個事件,令讀者見識到一個非同一般的偵探小說。 而怎樣把這樣的數學邏輯轉化成視覺語言搬上舞臺,是這部戲最值 得關注的地方。創作者下了很大功夫,通過燈光和影像的輔助來表現 這個立體的世界。特別邀請葆拉·康斯坦堡(Paule Constable)這位曾 經設計過《悲慘世界(Les Misérables)》25周年演唱會的燈光師量身 打造舞臺燈光,不僅舞臺效果別出心裁,舞蹈及肢體動作的加入也讓 這部劇更為生動。
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