Unit London
3rd October to 4th November 2023
This October, the lower gallery floor of Unit London will undergo a mesmerizing transformation into the ‘Dreamscape Estuary.’ Curated by Laura Shao, the exhibit, which aligns with the pulsing heart of Frieze London, is an explorative ensemble of 14 Asian artists whose divergent backgrounds span across various geographies and cultures.
Opening on October 3rd, the group show serves not just as a platform for artistic expression but as a dialogue between the multiplicities of the Asian experience. Artists bring forth their works where ideas, memories, and landscapes converge into a distilled, amalgamated, and sometimes entirely imagined state, crafting a personal mythology that vibrates with the complexities and contradictions inherent in Asian identities.
The artists showcased in ‘Dreamscape Estuary’ transcend geographical confines, offering windows into the dreams and aspirations rooted in their cultural origins, yet conversing with the global narratives of the present. Xia Yu and Tan Yongqing from China examine the profound nexus between humanity and the cosmos through their intricate portraits, while Indonesia’s Natisa Jones, with her transcontinental background, uses the body as a conduit for spiritual voyages from the physical to the metaphysical realms.
Wang Ziping’s latest sculptural work is a striking totem that juxtaposes the allure of candy-like sweetness against the enigmatic pull of celestial bodies. Ma Hailun integrates the boldness of high-fashion photography into heartfelt representations of Xinjiang’s people, crafting a language that unapologetically celebrates vernacular beauty.
Hong Kong artists Cheung Sze Hin and Stephen Wong make compelling statements on art’s resilience and restorative essence. Cheung captures divine sparks in the microscopic views of neglect and decay, while Wong’s art takes viewers on a mystical hike through nature, guided by his visual memories and imagination.
As the exhibition coincides with Frieze London, it invites contemplation on cultural identity in an era where the world’s places and cultures are just a click or flight away. It also prompts introspection about the essence of being Asian and an Asian artist. While ‘Dreamscape Estuary’ doesn’t claim to offer a utopian vision of unity among today’s Asian artists, it certainly opens the door to a journey of discovery and connection in a dreamscape where stories and lives intertwine.
今年十月,倫敦聯合畫廊(Unit London)推出名為「夢河入海」的特展。這場展覽與倫敦弗里茲藝術博覽會同期舉行,由策展人邵依洋(Laura Shao)策劃。展覽集結了來自不同地理文化背景的14位亞洲藝術家,透過他們的作品展現了一個跨文化與地域的藝術版圖。
Edited by 編輯 x Michelle Yu 余小悅