Pina’s sudden death in 2009 brought great pity to the world. Born in Wuppertal, a small town of Germany, Pina’s Wuppertal Dance Theatre (Tanztheater Wuppertal) not only made this town renowned, but also creates different performing arts of Germany. In 2012, as one of the London Olympiad’s repertoire, World Cites 2012 at the Barbican and Sadler’s Wells Theatre were presented to commemorate one of the greatest dancers of the time-Pina Bausch.
2009年皮娜的突然辭世,給了這個世界莫大的遺憾。皮娜出生於德國烏 珀塔爾(Wuppertal)小鎮,而因為她的烏珀塔爾舞蹈劇院(Tanztheater Wuppertal)不僅讓這座小鎮享譽世界,更讓德國的表演藝術在世界上 有了不同的樣貌。作為2012倫敦文化奧林匹亞的劇目,《世界城市2012 (World Cities 2012)》在倫敦巴比肯藝術中心(Barbican Centre)和莎 德斯威爾斯劇院(Sadler’s Wells Theatre)拉開了序幕,以此紀念這個 時代最偉大的舞蹈家之一──皮娜•鮑什(Pina Bausch)。
Wuppertal Dance Theater (Tanztheater Wuppertal) started its city- inspired creation in Rome in 1986. The dance work titled Viktor is the first and the opening of this city co-production, then followed Saitama (Japan), Calcutta (India), San Diego (Chile), etc. This dance program is also the final creative project by Pina Bausch. Talking about the motivation and concept of this series, Bausch said, the greatest thing of creation is to work in different places, to experience different customs, to enjoy various folk music and those strange things for us, yet all these belong to us in some way, and then being transformed to dance. There is no need to be afraid of getting to know the unknown, we should embrace them, experience them, enjoy them, and let it all start from Rome. As to internationality of theatre, Bausch insists her own philosophy, we are not merely tourist, and we are the world on its own. New adventures and experiences would constantly infuse our world with new life.
London in 2012, because of Pina Bausch, because of World Cites 2012, delivers greater Olympic Spirit.
以城市為靈感的創作始於1986年,在羅馬的特別經歷激發了皮娜的第一部城市 合 作 ─ ─ 維 克 托( V i k t o r ),之 後 便 有 了 世 界 城 市 系 列 ,日 本 的 崎 玉 ( S a i t a m a ) ,印 度的加爾各答(Calcutta),智利的聖地亞哥(San Diego)等。此舞蹈計劃也是皮娜 生前的最後一個創作項目。皮娜在談到構想這一系列作品的動機時說,創作對 我們來說最大且最好的影響就是能夠長年在不同的城市裡工作,瞭解不同的習 俗、民間音樂、生活習慣,還有那些對於我們來說陌生的事物,但同時也是屬於 我們的事物,然後將其“轉換”為舞蹈。這是一種瞭解未知的積極方式,無需懼怕, 只需感受它們、體驗它們,這一切都是從羅馬開始的。當談到舞蹈團的國際性 時,皮娜說道,我們不僅僅在城市裡旅遊,其實我們自己原本就是一個多樣的“世 界”。這個“世界”在經歷一次次的冒險和體驗後而不斷地被賦予新的活力。
TIPS 小贴士
演出場地:Barbican, Sadler’s Wells Theatre
巴比肯藝術中心, 莎德斯威爾斯劇院